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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Looks like my baby picture... except my helmet was black and I was born at Riverside just after they replaced hay with rolling beds.
  2. I have one but my sons friend (who is lucky to be alive) took one of my swords and stabbed the bag. Ive been using it since with no issues but its a bit of an eye sore having 3 small slashes in it. I guess in your favor it could be stitched up and would be more of a discount lol.
  3. Its not the clothes, when I see brown bags I think byobb. Had a few too many of those kind of parties in college I guess 100 wow! Again, very nice work and dedication broham! I applaud you sir.
  4. Nice work!!!! I have to ask... is that a 40 in the brown bag?
  5. 4000 stall racing seats lighter carpet battery relocation rocker arms port work cam springs line lock weld in bolted in suspension parts harness brake lines Or I'm going to keep the exact same set up I've been running for 5 years. Who knows
  6. This. Evo 8 would be my choice (older so a little less expensive than the 9)
  7. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_YJvZnVgEuYc/RdxDjjPbgLI/AAAAAAAAAHQ/79rphLmcbdI/s400/racquetball_player_ready_to_serve_hg_clr.gif
  8. Fuck everything that has to do with xbox customer service. I would like to do the towel trick to a few of them to see if it makes them work better...
  9. Awesome.. athletes get to have sex with woman. I heard they stick their penis in and everything! :nws:
  10. Quitter Are you still travelling all over the place? P.S. That ban was so long that your posts have gray hair.
  11. lol...I was looking at one of those but couldn't afford it.
  12. The phones not junk, the surveys are. I deal with gay surveys daily and 90% of the people out there dont know anything. Consumer: Android phones are the best ever. They are better than every other phone out there!!!!!! Surveyor: What other phones have you owned or used? Consumer: None, this is my first phone
  13. Not to mention that some of the people that take surveys have never owned or used one. They hear its great so they say its great. With phones you have to shop around to find people that can give a non biased opinion on all the top phones. The iphone is best at a few things it does... same with many phones. Moral of the story is surveys involving consumers are typically bs and skewed these days.
  14. The next one will be the equivalent of getting the forum electric chair. I personally would suggest a name change and witness protection after this ban is over.
  15. There are plenty of places that one cell company will work where another one will not. Just like there are huge price differences for those that use their phones in the smaller companies coverage area. Its really up to the person using it. I personally dont think the iphone is good enough of a phone to wait for. If this were 2 years ago when it was hands down the best phone then yes. Now a days its like waiting to buy the third best product... but then again that just my opinion. The fact that a lot of us dont leave Columbus on a regular basis I'm surprised more people dont go over to sprint and put some of the money back in their pocket. People go to ATT and Verizon but not many of us travel daily like an Anthony, or take road trips like Doc.
  16. Hi, I'm the funny black man :bangbang: (I just realized the black smiley is holding guns... thats racist!) But seriously, I havnt met anyone on this forum yet that I dont like. There were a couple that I thought would have me smashing beer bottles across their heads but in the end they were all pretty cool.
  17. On my way to my older brothers house for dinner. All will be good in the world for me soon as well.
  18. 3 Nurf guns 5 Zuzu pets Zuzu pet playsets Xbox 360 360 video games Renewed 12 month subsciption for xbox live Headset HP mini netbook w/ black mouse for the son Samsung netbook w/ pink mouse for the daughter Huge remote controlled car Light up guns for zombie tag for both of them (dont ask lol) Trouble. We played that game so much last year we cracked the plastic bubble Tried doing a Christmas with no clothes for the first time and it kept the "real" smiles going from start to finish.
  19. Then who was that fat white man with the lumpy leg that asked me to sit on his lap?
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