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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. I'm on your side again. Death to noobs!!!!! The drift thing makes me think he will leave, the engineer piece makes me think he will stay.
  2. Only when I misread. As for you, I heard yours is terminal at this point. Im suprised you havnt closed this thread yet and sent the guy a pm asking him if hes really the guy on the left. http://www.1495andunder.com/images/carseven.jpg I've defended a noob and done my good deed for the week.
  3. Welcome tp the site. Do you autox and or drag race or are you strictly drift? The people on this site attempt to flame before asking questions. I like to probe first because I here there is no cure for foot in mouth syndrome.
  4. Ghost must go with white and gold wheels. Its tradition.
  5. Steve (Big Steve) and Leigh (Turboking15) were putting in work. We are 3-4 and finally starting to gel. The other teams have been doing this for years. We as of last week know where we want to go with ours. Yeah, I had a highschool flashback on that one. I felt like I was 18 again for a hot second... then my body said wtf is your old ass doing
  6. Figured a little motivation wouldnt hurt... Playoff game starts at 8. If you dont plan on winning by 40 dont show up :bangbang: :bangbang:
  7. Picked it up from Dover a few months back. Fires great, looking to sell this to help fund my Christmas rifle... $425 and its all yours. Heres the original thread. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=83109&highlight
  8. mint condition $350 http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/IMG_20101218_045346.jpg http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/IMG_20101218_045354.jpg Buy this one and avoid the need for a 2yr contract.
  9. "(5-10 175lbs 6% BF Bench 315, Squat 405, does Iron-mans, GeneralSuper athlete)." Thats not bragging to a bunch of guys . If it wasnt for the irony in how you posted it I would have given you props. Now if you excuse me I'm going to post about my penis size, girth, and staying power in the bedroom to a bunch of guys on a car forum while calling someone else gay... but there wont be pictures so I'm good.
  10. V8 Beast

    Gun pulled

    Again... This wouldnt have happened if Obama didnt give criminals cars.
  11. Heres a bunch of pics of the same thing for 2 minutes I made last year.... to music
  12. A strong well worded opinion can sound like a fact when done right. Its not misinformation as much as it is misinterpretation (even though thats how they want it to be interpreted lol).
  13. Ummm.... how is painting an image of yourself through your height, abs, physical activities, and body fat percentage to a bunch of guys not gay
  14. I need the xbox. Let me know when I can come get it.
  15. As clear as looking through a monocle http://goinglikesixty.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Old-Spice-Man-Monocle.jpg My job is done here New rule: Going forward all naked and/or half naked pics have to be of women... and/or Tilley (no homo).
  16. 3. You enjoy working out 4. You like to work out 5. You work out for fun 6. You are on a horse http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/horse.jpg
  17. Next time just title the thread "Hey guys, I'm gonna have sex... with a girl!"
  18. Hotel, private chef, soft music, and candle light > any public restaurant. If it gets serious keep that in mind.
  19. The edge drives across snow like its dry land. Its so easy an audi driver can do it.
  20. High quality truck/suv awd > truck/suv fwd = cars awd > truck/suv rwd > cars fwd > cars rwd > motor cycles > wheelchairs > walking > standing still > moving the wrong direction with an erection
  21. Link to the videos are in your pm boxes.
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