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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. I agree. The guy in the camaro would not have been racing if it were not for healthcare reform. Fuck socialism and the street racing it produces!!! LOL at us attacking this thread like a really bad episode of Law and Order
  2. No, they were at at least 110mph when passing those cars (going by standard shifting points) and the speedo when they showed it for a hot second around 90mph. Its the slow down times and down shifts that put them in the 70-80 range. At 75mph, in a 3 lane highway, with no visual obstructions the driver appears to be a victim of habit. My guess would be they have droven that way before. Saw the cars so far away and rather than judging the amount of ground being covered they assumed it was just another car driving the speed limit. Happens all the time.
  3. Your off on the camaro's speed. Based on shift points, and the down shifts during the 5 seconds he was slowing down I put him at 70-80ish on impact (if you dont believe me read up on the shifting points). The vic hit the back of the mustang and kept rolling. There was nothing blocking his view from the camera angle (view of the mustang). I'm not saying vic's at fault (illegal activity trumps judging speed) but if a half what ok driver would have been behind the wheel there would not have been an accident... Maybe the vic only saw the mustang and thought it was clear behind it, who knows... who cares. I have crossed plenty of roads with people speeding and can tell when they are covering ground too fast.. its part of driving. If it were a blind turn sure. Its hitting the mustangs rear end that I dont get. Does the driver not have brakes or was he turning and had to straighten the car up to avoid taking the stang out? Its hard debating things with a shitty video looking from the outside in.
  4. Going back to study the film... Maybe you guys are seeing something Im not.
  5. Best bet is to get a job with tuition reimbursement. You'll make money and most of your courses will be paid for (as long as your major isnt interpretive dance or something).
  6. Racing on the street is bad enough by itself. Doing it in traffic deserves the Darwin Award. About the Vic... If you cant judge the speed of people driving when you are crossing a road you shouldnt have a drivers license. This happened to be a race but people speed all over the place. If you cant determine that before putting your car in front of theirs you should trade in your car for a nice pair of shoes and bus passes. I dont want to be a guy in another lane that gets hit because the crown vics driver has no depth perception or is a horrible judge of speed. Everyone driving in that video are lucky
  7. Just put a steering wheel, gas pedal, and brake in the front and back of the car. Always driving forward means never driving in reverse.
  8. V8 Beast

    umm ?

    I almost froze on my 3 minute walk to my car after work.
  9. V8 Beast

    umm ?

    Paul, if you want to fight the cold try this.. A sweater, thermal underwear, thick coat, knit scarf, hat, gloves, boots, and replace your skirt with some man pants
  10. 98 fireturd http://cdn.getauto.com/photos/8/153678/1c/2G2FV22G522121128-1c.jpg WS6. Took this pic about a week after I got it from Michigan. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/ws6-1.jpg
  11. *Puts on flame jacket* There have been many people in the league that have been overall better than Jordan. What they lack is a dependable supporting cast and the reckless abandon to shoot repeatedly while ignoring open teammates. People dont shoot the ball like Jordan any more because they work within a system. Just look at all the issues Kobe had when he tried. He did the exact same thing but was labeled as not being a team player. Michael Jordan lost a lot of games by shooting too much. Michael Jordan pissed off his teammates and coaches by shooting too much. The one thing he had like stated was he could consistently make shots (like 70% of nba players) and when he got hot the game was over. As long as people pass the ball and dont take 15 shots in a row while being gaurded by 3 people there will never be another Jordan. The bulls were my favorite team for Jordans entire career. What he did then people just cant do today. The other people on the teams ego's are too big and everyone wants their 5-10 shots a game.
  12. I read conference finals for some reason, my mistake. Lebron did go further then both of them without packing the team full of stars. Not that it makes much difference but I think the teams that beat KG and Ray Allen won it all
  13. Damn you're good! The van was going in reverse. A ball appears to be moving forward to the people in the van but to everyone else its going backwards. This basically explains the way my brain works
  14. So do you add the numbers together or are the two distances travelled seperate?
  15. You just proved exactly what I was saying. It's around because its tradition. We are far past counting finger joints. What was common place when this started has been replaced by ages of technology. We do it because its what people are used to not because we dont have better ways to measure it. The millisecond had no place in early times but has been adopted as one of the standards for measuring a second. There are many different callenders that measure seasons and time. We adopted this one because it made the most sense at that time. Its flawed and their is no arguing that. It works for what we need it for, there is also no arguing that. A typical person isnt going to care that the world completed a rotation a few minutes before 12. Quick change/add on of the subject for the thinkers Lets say someone is in a 20ft long van travelling at 70mph. If they throw a ball from the back to the front, taking .6 seconds to reach the front, how far does the ball travel? Is there just one correct answer?
  16. Ever wonder why 60 seconds is a minute/hour? Minutes are just man made units of time to help schedule and organize. If that the case why not use a number like 50 or 100 since those numbers tend to be easier for the average person to calculate? It takes the earth less than 24 hours to complete a rotation. We also have leap years because the earth takes over 365 days to go around the sun. With the math being flawed to begin with changing it to make it easier to comprehend isnt impossible. /random thought while helping my daughter understand how someone can be timed at 11.98 seconds. "At 60 it's suppose to start over... right?"
  17. What you know about a Veyron.. Bugatti, shakes the body like heroin
  18. If you notice CR is running a little slow blame Ben
  19. Flawed argument.. If people think Jordan not Pippen then why has his name came up so much and why were people chanting Pippen at the game. Even you yourself are talking about Pippen and Jordan together when saying no one thinks about him. Thats like saying no one thinks of Robin when you say Batman. Pippen is the best number 2 ever. Hes a hall of famer, has won championships, and is a top 50 player of all time. Take away Pippen and you take away a third of Jordans legacy. The only people that think Jordan with no Pippen are people that dont follow basketball. Flawed argument.. Look up the Twolves team with KG, Cassell, and Sprewell and the 2001 Bucks. The fact that KG was a championship chaser is ignored because he waited until later in his career to do it. KG had great teams that lost deep in the playoff. There was a time when he was going to be "the best player ever". He was extrememly close to doing it himself just like Lebron. Lebron just made a big deal of it because people let him... and still are. Lebron is young and got tired of his surroundings. You cannot question his work ethic, he puts in more time than most. When he grows up a little he'll look back and feel embarrassed for what he did. When you make statues of a man and worship him you kind of have to expect him to get a big head. Its not a bad move until time proves it is, right now its just a move. On the other side of the fence he could be finals and team mvp. If that story book ending happens then isnt Wade the forgot about Pippen? Stop counting your chickens before they are hatched people.
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