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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. When you win a championship does it really matter who's team it is? If he cared he would have stayed in Cleveland. I dont think KG or Ray Allen cared that it was Pauls team when they were holding the trophy...
  2. Damn Its cool the shirts were covered by the sponsors.
  3. V8 Beast

    What Happened?

    I heart you in a very gay while in a flame thread kind of way.
  4. Lebron is not the first and won't be the last professional player that will leave to put themselves in a "better" situation. Cleveland is holding onto him like a stalkerish x girlfriend with seperation issues. Get over it and go find another tall athletic black man to worship.
  5. Central Ohio Drivers in the snow are a) Invincible in their suv's b) So dumb they drive 2mph in light snow c) Retards that think freeways are bowling lanes and their cars are the blowing ball d) all of the above I love snow, I hate driving in it with other people around.
  6. Thats not negotiating, thats someone risking their job to get a sale. If that was a secret shopper or one was near by they would have lost their job.
  7. You cant negotiate the plan just the phone cost. The data thing is a seperate charge that was discontinued.
  8. If I had a plan it would be simple.. get a job and take care of yourself. If you dont have a job or your job has a horrible plan use your resources to find other options. This bottlefed mentality is not helping anyone. If you give people hand-outs instead of making them work they have no incentive to continue or start working. I want to provide for my family so I work and pay for insurance. With this plan I would work and help pay for everyone. Who are the unemployed paying for? Doesnt seem fair to have to bust my ass so a career loser can get his herpes treated for free... Most people that have insurance only go when they need to go. The number of people alone that would have that option would make it hell for doctors. Most people only go when they are sick. If there is no charge there is nothing stopping someone from doing it for shits and giggles. Not to mention the people that would treat it like free customer service and keep going back to different doctors until they got the answer they wanted. Or they would get people like you that are too lazy to search for info and would stop by a doctor for something they didnt need to
  9. V8 Beast

    What Happened?

    I'l stop when you stop posting worthless shit all over the site. Now take your shitty finger out of your ass, grab a 4loko, and calm down. P.S. I updated your name. If you dont like it let me know. Thanks for the shot out. I would talk about that 24v thing but you know about cars so that would be a lame comeback. I'll just simply say fuck you too and call it quits. Plus I might need your help again someday so I'll only heat up the bridge and not burn it down. Edit: I missed Eriks post. Again... Erik is someone that has helped me and I may need to call on him again. I will just say fuck you captain america and move on. Now go back to hating Hal and leave me the fuck alone.
  10. He's calling you an idiot because you have tunnel vision. The cost to see a doctor definitely stops people from freely going when ever they think they have an issue. Not everyone has a $15 copay, a lot of people have to pay 100% due to having no insurance at all. Think about the number of people in the US that currently do not have insurance and may be dealing with an issue. What kind of flood of people would you expect to see if they were all told on January 1st they all had full coverage?
  11. V8 Beast

    New to CR

    Op, post a pic and give more information about yourself if you want to stick around. Also take a few seconds to read through the rules. It will make your life here a lot easier. If you dont follow the rules you risk having your thread closed and being removed from the site.
  12. My vote is tmobile, android, and money back in your pocket. If you are felling froggy a WM7 device and if needed use the return policy.
  13. Better than WM6 J/k.. My wm6 phone I had before my upgrade met a wall flying at about mach 3. I hated that phone with a passion. They made a valid attempt to make navigating through the phone easier. The overall software is better but I dont trust them yet. Its more of a windows android apple like experience lol. I'm waiting to see what bugs are found before I refer the phones. I've learned my lesson about being the first one to have a phone with software that is changed that drastically. Simply, it looks and feels good. I would consider it if it were not for past experiences.
  14. I like the G2 second to the my touch. Just keep in mind that with android phones you dont get the full feel for it out of the box. Its not until its customized that it will grow on you. If sprints on your list I would go evo. Another quick note... If you are coming from an iphone you will not be impressed. Its not an upgrade its more of a latteral move. Each phone has its benefits. It will take a little time to get used to but the people I know settle into the android phones after a few weeks.
  15. Thats on aircards and mifi's not phones. If you are worried about saving money go to Tmobile or Sprint. ATT and Verizon are both expensive.
  16. This actually states that you have to have liability if randomly audited. So, if you are not audited you are fine
  17. Whats the penalty if you dont have insurance?
  18. V8 Beast

    What Happened?

    I'll give you guys a hint. You cant make a personal attack on a guy that doesnt care. You also cant bring up stuff that happened a year ago and has been ran into the ground. Make a witty response, or be creative. I personally would have photochoped this... http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f277/punkhott712/210972299_l-3.jpg
  19. I wonder if we could set up another CR fight night? It wouldnt be a let me kick your ass thing (because we have to respect the gym), but the last one was fun. Im willing to pay for another one.
  20. V8 Beast

    What Happened?

    This is why its the romper room and not the kitchen. There is no heat, just a place for kids to play. Hal covered himself in gas and handed you fuckers a match... yet CR fails to flame. I r dissapoint.
  21. http://tagadavao.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/applause.gif
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