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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Broad statements, blanket accusations, and assumptions from people trying to make themselves sound smart... typical political thread Watching over this has been nothing short of painful. Back to my position behind the scenes hoping the eye bleeding stops soon.
  2. A lot of it depends on how you are using it. If you place a lot of calls or text then its more difficult to help. If its just data usage do to your phone having a lot of apps/widgets you can easily control that. Without knowing how you are using the phone I would say first to lower your brightness and the time your screen takes to timeout.
  3. They couldnt do 6pm and there was no way in hell I was going to play at 10pm
  4. I could still go.. Im doing this for you guys lol.
  5. I went from 2 kids to 7... I fail.
  6. He said no and that we have to rent it after the season starts. Its like $100 per hour.
  7. I got the game moved up to 6pm.. 10p was way too late. Be there at 5 for practice. Sending text messages as well just in case. No practice tonight unless someone has a heated garage.
  8. I give up. The post is telling people to stop googling reasons to hate him and give personal reasons rather than stuff they just found... just like what you are asking for. The first part of an intelligent conversation is intelligence. Im out.
  9. Since I'm not one to repeat myself I'll just copy something I found with a 20 second search. Everything you want has been done and it was done very very very recently. Now stop being a lazy American...
  10. So instead of filtering through 1000 pages of junk you think its ok to make it 1001 pages of junk...
  11. Here is what you should do. 1. Type in Obama in the search bar 2. Filter through the 10000 pages of bullshit produced over these topics 3. Get the answers you want 4. Spell Columbus right before attempting to have intelligent conversations... not during or after. Obama is up there with the iphone vs droid for most discussed bs on a car forum award in 2010.
  12. Yes :bangbang: (This gif has poor trigger manners)
  13. Millions of turkeys, pigs, and innocent rolls die for this day.
  14. Pilgrims killed Native Americans
  15. Scotty when the hell are you coming back? I need to go rifle shopping and be taught how to become a zombie killing machine.
  16. Thanksgiving is tomorrow you backwards in reverse tree hugging ass jockeys.
  17. Bang a hot drunk wet girl for the married people out there
  18. This country has been fucked for years. He just pulled down his pants and added more shit onto the steaming pile of dung his predecessors left him. My question is how many more presidents will we have to have before someone flushes the fucking toilet.
  19. :nod: The programmers have to find an equal medium between battery life and reception. I would have to assume the update turned up the amount of power the phone is allowed to use to find and sustain reception. If you havnt seen any change in battery life then its just technology at work.. Finding a way to efficiently distribute power without impacting battery life. ..or ATT has more towers at their disposal and the update added in a new cell site listing that gives you access to closer towers. Not sure how they do their tower updates so Im just guessing.
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