I would say deal but my conscious wont let me. When I was at your house last year I knew this day would come so I installed a remote kill switch. Matt, Anthony, Mark, and Sam have them as well.
Man, I feel a lot better about myself now.
Paul doesnt see me race because he's too busy trying to work out the bugs in his car. He may not have a kill mode but that faster than a mini van mode is impressive to 13 year old girls.... In before Paul asks for a race with me on bald street tires, launching from the water box, on motor, with 15 degrees of timing pulled, giving him the hit, staying in 2nd gear, driving in reverse without looking backwards, having 6 loose lug nuts, suspension removed, reinstalled 10 bolt, a spare tire in the passenger seat, and tipped over chocolate syrup in my glove box spilling on my registration papers..