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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Sometimes working on a broke car can be just as fun as breaking it.
  2. Anytime after 8, everyday but Thursday.
  3. You have a car that you broke racing. This means you have a race car and race it... right? You joined this site to go to our events.. right? What makes you think you are not part of the group that races? I may have to add you to the dipshit group for displaying dipshit like charactersitics...
  4. LOL! My car is a whore, you may be the only person on the site that hasnt driven it.
  5. $15 would be perfect for those of us that are financially challenged. Black with columbia blue letters/numbers.
  6. You can have it for 3 hamburgers and 2 large fries (kids want mcdonalds)
  7. Price wasnt listed... but from the looks of the other sites it will be $40 -$80 which is a little much. We may have to take you up on you option. How much for your person to hook us up with 12 shirts with numbers and names printed?
  8. According to the people here a car enthusiast is someone that joins a car forum to talk about everything but cars. You can take my car for a few runs if you want to.
  9. If you have $45 extra we could have the jerseys made here. http://www.gamewearteamsports.com/store/football/
  10. The field at Sports Ohio will be open from 5 to 8 on Thursday. I have to be up there at 6pm for a meeting. The Schedules will be posted on their website later this week. As of right now they have 11 teams signed up and more coming. Ill be sending everyone pms of the info I need to register you.
  11. Buyin it, installing lambo doors, roll racing, having lots of sex, and being the coolest mofo on this site.
  12. Same thing happened to my ta on my way to polaris. Scary as hell.
  13. It's Val. Congrats!! It looks beautiful.
  14. Steve - QB/Pass punter Leigh - RB Romeo - WR Darren - WR (paid)Ice - CW (center reciever)/ kicker Phil - Right flat (paid) Duff - Deep left (paid) Justin - Left flat (Paid) Brian - Middle zone (Paid) Dave - Deep right Keith Rotating in on D Brandon rotating in on Offense This is only to start the game and the second half. We'll change on the fly if needed. Most teams have 7-9 people. We need to take advantage of numbers and make them run the entire time. Tire yourself out, call in a sub, rinse and repeat. In the second half when they are gasping for air we'll just be getting warmed up.
  15. I would say deal but my conscious wont let me. When I was at your house last year I knew this day would come so I installed a remote kill switch. Matt, Anthony, Mark, and Sam have them as well. Man, I feel a lot better about myself now. Paul doesnt see me race because he's too busy trying to work out the bugs in his car. He may not have a kill mode but that faster than a mini van mode is impressive to 13 year old girls.... In before Paul asks for a race with me on bald street tires, launching from the water box, on motor, with 15 degrees of timing pulled, giving him the hit, staying in 2nd gear, driving in reverse without looking backwards, having 6 loose lug nuts, suspension removed, reinstalled 10 bolt, a spare tire in the passenger seat, and tipped over chocolate syrup in my glove box spilling on my registration papers..
  16. Thats kind of hilarious considering I've broke my car twice at the track this year and am still making it to this event... all while you were crying and selling boats, jet ski's, cars, bikes, and your anal virginity on craigslist. Paul should be better....
  17. Sign up for dragway 42 and I will personally give you as much of a hit as you need to make you feel like you have a fast car. In befor Matt comes in here talking about how fast his s10 is
  18. I think we are at a 20/1 dipshit to racecar driver ratio. If any of you know people that actually race can you refer them here... hell, feel free to give them your username and password. We wont miss you.
  19. If you wish to watch porn your iphone will turn into a droid
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