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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. True intelligence is found through time, observation, and comprehension. At 19 I was smarter than people twice my age. At 30 I'm two times smarter than I was at 19. Never write someone off just because of the number of year they have spent on this planet.
  2. Oops I meant .45. The one I was looking at fired both 9 and 40 caliber.
  3. I dont like that argument. When Richard Simmons was born I dont think he knew some day he would enjoy a hairy man pounding his ass crack.
  4. I went to the gun store today to purchase a handgun... fail. I liked my old 9mm.. but i kinda want to try a .40. With home improvements costing more than expected I only have enough left for one good gun or two budget pistols. Since it will be the sole gun for home protection I want to make sure its reliable. I'm not really asking for opinions, I just wanted to vent. If I do pick something up today I'll post pics. Edit: I ended up with a sig 2022. Really couldnt see paying $800 for the p226 at this time (almost got a 1911). http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/sig2022.jpg Comfortable in my hand, wife can fire it (big reason why I got a 9mm), its accurate, has night sights, holds 15 +1, pretty easy to take apart and clean. (sorry for the cell phone pic, cant find my camera)
  5. He does it on purpose. He starts the pot of water and I occasionally come in and stir it
  6. To be honest... before I had kids I didnt care. After 11 years its nice to have a son thats old enough to understand talks about abortion, homosexulity, etc. The superbowl and guys kissing is not as bad as go daddy in my book. I would rather they saw the gay ad then a girl in a tight shirt acting all nasty like. If I can successfully fap to it then it should not be on primetime tv
  7. What I dont like about you is you are saying you dont like people that you have never met. My views are that I do not prefer gay acts be televised but I would never hate a person I have never met based on their sexual preferences.
  8. !!!! A lot of gay people are not happy. At the same time plenty are. Your sexual preference does not make you happy. True happyness comes from within. Is it ok to be gay? 100% opinion. Going by how people are made homosexuals can not reproduce without medical assistance or heterosexual acts. If everyone was gay we would no longer exist. Technically its ok for some people to be gay, but if we were all gay we would be endangered. You assume people are threatened because they dont like it. I dont like nascar but since its not a hot topic you wont hear people telling others I'm threatened by cars. I dont live my life on tv pushing heterosexual views on people. I tolerate it, but I dont have to like it. I'm against public displays of affection period. I dont want to see it from two guys, two girls, or a man and a woman... MY OPINION. I cant tell people whats right and wrong, but I can have my own idea of what is right and wrong and I can teach that to my children when they are old enough to understand. My talk with my son when he was 8 was simply, "its when a guy likes a guy or a girl likes a girl very much and they kiss and stuff"... his natural response was ewwwww btw (Even the girl on girl lol). Now that hes older family values and views will come up in conversations as they should. In the end he will make up his own mind as he should.
  9. I understand exactly what you mean. I for one do not want my son seeing this stuff and thinking its normal... but at the same time the world is changing and we dont have much of a choice. The gay population is getting bigger and stronger everyday. Thanks to TV shows my son and I had a talk about what being gay meant 2 years ago. P.S. That commercial was funny as hell! That guy in the chair beside them was like
  10. He's the traditional family values type... but at the same time reminds me of Bobby Bucher's mom with the extent of passion towards some of his views. To their defense I am honestly disgusted as well in a way. I tolerate it is because if I talk bad about gay acts I would be a hypocrite considering all the girl on girl porn I watch.
  11. I was thinking into it and both equally disgust me. If I had no choice but to bang a 500lbs woman or jerk of a guy I would probably just off myself.
  12. Why are you guys acting surprised???? Have you not seen pdqgp and V8KILRs posts in the past?
  13. Or maybe they were planned after their mom had abortions in the past. You are a walking ad for prochoice
  14. http://image.hotrod.com/f/featuredvehicles/hrdp_1003_2011_pontiac_trans_am/26628839+pheader_460x1000/hrdp_1003_01+2011_pontiac_trans_am+.jpg I love the way this looks!!!!! I would swap out the retro wheels.. but I really do like this car a lot.
  15. ASC is suppose to be making one for GM. If they do I hope they take part of this design. If it comes out looking like that I will have one in my garage.
  16. I thought the exact same thing.. heres my professional opinion.. His response to this thread indicates that he is having trouble with his own sexuality. He feels that if he lashes out people would be less likely to think he enjoys another mans musk rubbing off on him as he cuddles his burly lover everynight. The first thing he needs to do is accept the fact that he likes the feel of men sausage on his tonsils. Thats the only way for him to be truley happy in this lifetime.
  17. If you ask me dudes that fuck ugly fat bitches are worse than being gay.
  18. Welcome to http://www.columbusracing.com
  19. I'll definitley need it :nod: Thanx Doc.
  20. If you end up parting it out let me know. I'll take the bottle depending on the cost. What size is the plate?
  21. Thanks Doc. Trying to search threads on my phone isnt easy If your shop wasnt so far out I would go. By the time I got back home it would be dirty again
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