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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. If you can make the sun shine in the am when I am off work I would man love you so hard it would make you cry a single man tear!
  2. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/Cast_away_Bush-1.jpg
  3. You poke fun at them all the time... its subtle, but its there. Cut it out and it will be squashed. Sliders at 5am ftw!
  4. The forum is a drag right now. It feels like a second job. I'm starting to think we will have to just wait until the fire burns itself out. BTW, The roundtable idea would not work. It would just be a bunch of people blowing smoke up each others asses. I give up.
  5. That issues has tio be handles seperately. I'm more focused on the sponsors at this point. Even if everyone just decided to play nice that would be a start at this point.
  6. So.. how about that roundtable? First of all it will have to be violence free. However to be safe we can have enough moderators (not actual moderators... big ass 250+lbs CR members ) to stop any bullshit from jumping off. Debate it out in a private setting without the CR instigators getting involved. See if we can find common ground and go from there. Keep this in mind... Most involved have their own business and this is not good for any of you. When you fight online you dont see the many lurkers that you are losing business from for the simple fact that they dont want to be involved in the drama.
  7. Damn, that was almost 30 minutes. Typing novels ftl.. I'll unban her.
  8. No because the next time anyone posts off topic they are getting banned from this thread... and maybe the forum. This needs to get back on topic and quick. I'm not playing anymore.
  9. Just squash it. It has nothing to do with this thread. Its not about making CR better, it about stopping the stupid shit thats having an impact in peoples real lives.
  10. Babies look like old people She is a doll! Congrats man!!!
  11. You said something about Rob "letting her post" in another thread and shes still tying things back to gender.
  12. Seriously, my internet goes down and we end up with bullshit in a thread about stopping bullshit. Back on topic Everyone involved should meet up for a round table. The problems are dividing the forum and making things more stressful than need be. We cant force you to like each other but you can at least be civil to each other. I want everyone that is willing to talk this out like respectable adults to post it publicly in here. No more behind the scenes pm fights, threatening text messages, kitchen fights crossing the lines, etc. This is the only way I see to actually stop this.. anything else would be sweeping it under the rug.
  13. Jason... you dont have to argue every point everyone makes. Calm down broham.
  14. Sorry but the forum is getting too big to be the old CR And Miller has mastered post whoring
  15. And have teh powa to remove it
  16. The good part of CR is there is no role. Everyone is allowed to have opinions on everything. The problem is the senior member area is not used enough. If you put something in plane site we cant be mad at people posting about it. I do have an issue with all of personal attacks on people and businesses. I have been nice in trying to referee the stuff and let people have it out in the "kitchen"... but if this is going to be the result then we will have no choice but to police things a lot more. Bottom line, CUT OUT THE BULLSHIT! I will say it again like I did a few weeks ago. Its a forum... have fun, use common sense, and enjoy your time online. Help the new members, try to make a few meets, and be more like family. Kitchen posting is a lot more fun when you actually know the people. Now that schools almost out (and I will have more than 1 day a week with my kids) I plan on mixing real life fun with posting here. Hopefully I see most of you this weekend at the car show so we can discuss this in person.
  17. Move along... http://www.legaljuice.com/funny%20police%20officer%20south%20park%20barbrady-thumb.jpg nothing to see here
  18. I gave you props for not bitching while you are steadily bitching. Go read the thread and stop crying.
  19. I give Michael much props for not making a crybaby thread. +rep for you my friend. Now back to your normally scheduled bullshittery.
  20. No posting. I dont want to hear about it.
  21. Also that b.s that happened today had little to nothing to do with CR. Please handle this without involving the forum.
  22. You have no power here. You elected yourself pope... I elected you banned from this thread. Why.. because I can. I'll let him back in 15 minutes if he doesnt start a crybaby thread about being kicked out of here My moneys on the crybaby thread...
  23. We are a go guys. Feel free to pay up anytime before 6/24.
  24. Welcome to the site. With that spray on there that car will give us a run for our money :thumbup: Edit: I like the spoiler. Are you still on the stock rear? Also, why did you go with that cam?
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