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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Anyone else? Need at leat 10 to make it a meet... otherwise its just gay
  2. Anyone want to meet up at Steak in Shake by Tuttle Mall at 5:30pm????
  3. Banned for not getting mad at me when I said I was going to ban you!!
  4. Banned for not adding to the shit storm!!!!!
  5. If you dont say it youre a pussy. CR = Drama.... have at it. Actually, if its really good I'll move it to the kitchen
  6. I'm a ricer and I love it... true story.
  7. Sorry but the fart can is grounds for being called a ricer. The people are not ignorat, they are correct. Now your job is to accept and love this term. It appears you are currently in denial.
  8. Wait.. you do have a fart can. I need video of your car in motion asap to determine if you are or are not a ricer. BTW.. Roys a 12sec ricer
  9. People that assume people have fart cans are the true ricers. They just hide it behind their love for Audis.
  10. PS. I was at 10:1 a/f and still ran a 10.85 Nitrous > boost :p Next event Anthony and I are racing heads up for pinks. Speaking of that let me go set it up..
  11. I was being serious. They are idiots. Everyone here, if something happens just come see us. We are not mob bossed that will break your fingers and demand money. We will ask for your side of the story. Even if our verbiage isnt on point and politically correct it will be followed by an apology (unless your car is a pos lol). We dont have an HR department and say shit sometimes that we may not mean. Just take it with a grain of salt and come settle it with us. I have only killed one person at a meet... and he deserved it.
  12. Case closed, and the techs up there are idiots.
  13. Get a Yank. I've had one for 3 years and its durable.
  14. You said you checked your gauges during the run and coasted at like 60mph, the shut down area is part of the run. Anywhere from the starting line the the turn off area is considered a place where you should stop your car if you break.
  15. You just contradicted yourself in your own post Any racer would know when something doesnt feel right and then checks their gauges... which is exactly what you did... right??? You did things right you just didnt stop. The question now is how far down the track and at what mph did it happen? We dont want people slamming on their brakes. If you are at 100mph and it happens then you have no choice but to keep going.
  16. You said you were fed up trying to work with me. Maybe its just a bad word choice.. more frustrated than fed. I'll let you know. Dont worry about it until then. Thanks for showing ownership, I'll stay in contact with you.
  17. I'm neutral, but these posts are really getting annoying to me. I'm not typing a novel, here are the rules 1. Watch your fucking gauges 2. If a gauge of importance like fuel or oil drop significantly STOP YOUR CAR!!!! 3. Get out and check for damage 4. Clean up is a puddle instead of a stream Blow off oil is one thing. a small leak "happens". He saw pressure loss and kept going which is a huge no no. And 14 second cars break, where did this 11 second b.s come from:confused: In his defense, he may not have known to stop. Not everyones first instinct is to stop there car (which is why I was trying to work with him via pm). Hopefully everyone read this thread and knows in the future to stop their car.
  18. They said he sprayed both lanes as well.
  19. We already worked something out last night How are you fed up after saying it was cool?????? Please try pming me again (without getting a response) or objecting to something I say before posting stuff like this. And everyone else, opinions are like assholes... Thanks for repeating what has been said 60 times in 6 pages. Some hate him some love him. Some say pay $1000, some say pay $0. Some say its a mcsteak, some say hes an evil villian that tried to kill us all... we get it.
  20. What length was the necklace and what material was it made of? You can PM me if it was technibond or some shit and you dont want anyone to know But seriously let me know.. I can replace it.
  21. I like strawberry daiquiri SoBe's
  22. I knew that had to belong to someone on here. Glad you found it.
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