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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. They are ignorant /thread Well.... unless you were revving your engine and acting like a tool.. I would have to assume you were not since you said you dont... Edit: It will always happen, just ignore it.
  2. Please put NTR in the subject line of your pm's
  3. Everyone that was present and attempting to make passes during this time please shoot me a PM. We'll get it taken care of. Ant dont worry about it..... http://www.freewilliamsburg.com/archives/i%20got%20this.jpg
  4. Its up to the track. It all depends on how much the cleanup costs. The rental only pays for so many sprays, EMT, and the salaries of the workers attending. It doesnt leave much room for a cleanup that big. Depending on the re-prep and cleaning cost I'm not sure if they even made a profit off of this rental. Thats bad for us when it comes time to negotiate rental fees.
  5. I can see why you are being defensive based on the initial post... I dont have any problems with you. I refuse to judge someone based on what they type on a forum. You are probably a cool guy, but the the truth is that people had to wait based on this. I'm suprised the track didnt charge you. I also would like everyone to know that I have full access to CRs paypal. The extra money we get is used for cookouts, and to discount future track events. This is how we can have rentals with $15 entry fees like last year. Was there a mustang that broke and continued down the track as well?
  6. I busted in the parking lot not on the track. At the turn after the place where you get the timeslips the coolant cap popped off. It scared the shit out of me because I thought I broke it, but it was just too much pressure and the cap not being on tight enough... Cleaned it off and drove the car to go pick up my kids. Im still going to krogers. Look for the 6 foot white guy wearing converse and a red ascot.
  7. I'll buy you one, where is the closest 99 cent store
  8. Shut up LOL! I was on the way back and heard "pop!" I was like oh fuck I finally broke it.
  9. The coolant wasnt on the track you piece of shit, The cap blew off in the parking lot. Dont make me show up to Kroger tonight.... for cereal Keep my name or anything that has to do with me out of your fucking mouth.. you really dont know me.
  10. Your car took all the air
  11. Did that myself 6 years ago. My TA was my daily driver for the first 2 years I had it. Now that its dialed in its just as fun on the street as it is on the track... I still wouldnt advise having it as an only car though. I admit that I do like C6's more than TA's, but for that price I would rather own 3 cars instead of 2.
  12. I should change your name to Websters.
  13. HAHA, Paul lost You know I'm just messing around Paul I heart you. Thanks for getting the race gas for me!
  14. Nice time. what were you shooting for?
  15. 1st pass on motor 1.693 60' 11.888 et 114.21 mph 2nd pass on motor 1.722 60' 11.971 et 113.77 mph 1st pass 150 shot 1.638 60' 10.853 et (I thought this was my best pass to date but its not. Got a 10.83 last year) 126.79 mph 2nd pass 150 shot 1.666 60' 10.905 et 126.92 mph I noticed the fuel was at 10:1 on the last pass I can definitley see a personal best in my future with those 17' rims off the front of the car, a leaner fuel jet, and slicks. All in all a pretty good day.
  16. Hells to the yeah! Paying $33k for a car just so some guy in charge of visually inspecting bolts can make $60k a year.
  17. V8 Beast

    Backup Weapon?

    FO SHO!! When I run out of ammo, or cant get to my piece this motherfucker is all over people like a spidermonkey!!!
  18. Thanks to your psychic abilities, you set up a track day on one of the few perfect days in our area! We appreciate all the work you did to set this up! It was nice to meet and see people I havnt seen in a while. Hopefully the newbs learned a lot, and the vets got their cars dialed in. I'm definitley looking forward to the next track event!!!! ~ Brian
  19. So.. I will never ever sale my car now.
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