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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Hopefully checking tread wear is also part of the fad.
  2. I figured out that if you follow the plow guys with a broom and a bag you get free salt.
  3. Congrats! My wife and I made sure that each of us had at least 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every day. While she rested over the first two weeks I did most of the work but after that it evened out. I also got to see my wife's guts during her c sections.. too bad they wouldn't let me takes pics.
  4. This is a racing forum where most of us are at least ok drivers. Bob the nondriver crashes at 55mph in .02 inches of snow. If he has to go 60 we are doomed!!
  5. Yeah.. I was just saying no electricity to the general public. People could find ways to run radios and what not. I think we would see a lot of looting and it would resemble a zombie attack if we were stripped of electricity. Once your fridge stops working and Krogers food goes bad (or rations supplies) people would show their true colors.
  6. Jeffro drives a wind up car and dreams in black and white with subtitles.
  7. OP... An android customers would have used Google on their phone to get the info. You are not ready grasshopper
  8. Chips implanted at birth. Getting spam telepathicly.
  9. I asked because my son misplaced his cell phone and you would have thought the world was ending ahead of schedule. I have so many things charging overnight everynight that I have a surge protector just for the things I take to work. Its crazy how as time passes I spend more and more time online. I wouls say I spend 12 hours a day connected between work and home.
  10. Function without the internet and cell phones? How long could you personally go without any form of electronics? No TV, radio, video games, computers, etc. I think the youth would crash and burn because America is breeding kids with very little survival instincts. They would cry and ask mommy to teach them how the library works. On the other hand us older folks would find new ways to entertain ourselves and get information... once the withdrawel period ended.
  11. Somebody take these things out of my garage please. I need a place to put my daughters new bike.
  12. Thanks for the info. Rob its not a ricer gun.. I'm a ricer for wanting something because its shiny and the guy in face off looked cool.
  13. I'm really thinking about getting a .50 Desert Eagle. Not because its great to shoot or any other good reasons to buy guns. Just because I like the way it looks and have wanted one but couldn't afford it before. It was like the lambo of guns when I was younger. Yes a countach is outdated but if I could find a candy apple red one for a reasonable price I would get it just to say I have one!
  14. Checked with the dealership. Warranty expired which means 400 if they do it... I will bondo that bitch before I pay 400
  15. Whats a good place to get oem parts at a good price? On the other hand is sealing the crack something I could do safely? Its not that big, but the gas cap light is getting on my nerves.
  16. This thread reminded me that I gave you a wheel for a hamburger and fries :lolguy:
  17. The best thing you can do is see a nutritionist. As active as you are the only missing ingredient I see is your diet. When and what you eat will get you the most out of what you are doing. I say that guessing you know your most in need areas and target them a few times a week. Disclaimer: I'm not a professional. Just knowledgeable in the field from 19 years of exercise/weight training and a minor in sports medicine in college.
  18. Just be yourself and limit who you help. No reason in changing who you are... you seem like you like helping people. Dont let a few dbags change that.
  19. V8 Beast


    Pattersons not ready to come out of the closet yet
  20. V8 Beast


    I <3 u 2 :fuckyeah:
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