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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Picture of a large penis here*
  2. Some forums have whole sections for people to get help with setting realistic goals... But the members also ask questions about specific mods, suspension upgrades, etc. I did the same thing a few years ago. I was told 12 flat but never reached it before adding more mods. However the 12.2 was close and the benchmark gave me a lot of motivation to keep practicing that year.
  3. Be a CR mod like Jones... Troll legit racing inquiry threads while promoting track days. I went 12.3 in a 3400 pound car at 400. You could pull off 11's.
  4. 92% lying 78.3% telling the truth
  5. How many of you are doing something to promote positive change and prevent things like this from happening again in the future? How many of you are answering the above question by saying Im voting for a different president to fix the problem? How many years has our government dug us deeper into a hole? After years of failed presidents why do people still think voting is enough to make a real change? ...Until we have enough people willing to get their hands dirty we will continue be a group of complainers getting ass raped while posting on the internet.
  6. http://forums.officer.com/showthread.php?81462-So-you-want-to-buy-an-AR-15-huh
  7. Im turning 33 in March. I have 2 children, and am a senior manager for a fortune 500 company. I am one of 3 Brian's left on this site that drives a trans am, but still the only African American one. I'm a pretty happy go lucky guy and enjoy kicking back and having fun. If you would like to know more about me just let me know. I'm married but am allowed to indulge in causal encounters as long as an STD test is administered prior to any sexual activity. If this interests you please send me a Pm. I look forward to hearing from you. ~Throat_Yogurt27
  8. Needs less clothing and more off-roading
  9. I heard fire can be used for detailing. Might want to try it... Great work on the car Kyle!!!!!
  10. Has anyone ever went down on a girl in the dark only to turn the lights on and realize she had a yeast infection and you look like Santa clause with a cottage cheese beard? No... Me either...
  11. This is exactly why its best to find out what people are looking for. Your opinion is 3 pages.. Thornes reviewing resumes for his department and is ok with more. The techs in the resume workshop for Verizon said no more than 4. The fact that its literally up to the people in charge means if Im writing one for IT... Im doing 2 pages and playing it safe
  12. I download the app and hand the phone to my IT guy. Ill see if I can get more info. What type of email do you use? Outlook?
  13. http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj162/hpfiend/photo-1.jpg This it?
  14. Also has a higher than expected return rate. Vanilla Droid isnt what people expected it to be. Like iPhone customers back in the day they are getting them without testing first because its the cool thing to do.
  15. Used my razr for work email until I took it back and got the rezound. Our company uses an app called Touchdown.
  16. I know its sarcasm and all, but the guy that runs this place is... http://aaronjasso.com/fazed/jewish.gif
  17. http://gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs/686822_o.gif
  18. Yeah.. you guys are azzhats.. I have to agree :lolguy: I miss Ohio Customs
  19. Get back in line soldier. Didnt you read.. online Jones is a faggot
  20. I dont even care about him hating Jones... hell I hate Jones too. However if hes here to be another troll we already filled that quota so he need not apply.
  21. Did you come here for laughs or to be part of the forum? http://ohiobimmers.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6346
  22. Oh shot.. It did auto correct...
  23. I did type shot you shothead! Now go eat shot and die you piece of shot. If you were anymore full of shot I would have to change your screen name to toilet!
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