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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Do you have a discount you are trying to give away? Trying to save people on paying activation fees?
  2. Just woke in and turned the channel in time to see the longest run from an O State QB in school history.... Why good morning to you too!
  3. V8 Beast


    This. If you schedule an appointment they get paid for a full visit. If you drop it off most charge for that as well. Its a win win.
  4. If I made 100k a year I would buy a buss pass and invest my money into presciption drugs, fruit snacks, and sugar free gum.
  5. Hell maybe.. Thats just before hell yes but right after hell no
  6. This thread could be used as a form of birth control...
  7. I agree with 90% of this very intelligent and well put together post. I just dont think my son or daughters education should be limited because of lazy adults.
  8. V8 Beast


    Being on the managerial side its not fun letting good workers go because they took too long to file. On the other end I have people that abuse it like crazy. I had 5 people out "sick" on trick or treat night. My opinion.. those people are somehow going to make it harder for people with real problems eventually.
  9. Here's my short story. My son made the mistake of being good at school. Since he's on honor roll and doesnt cause any problems he gets ignored. 20 teachers into his life and only one has done more than treat him like a number in a desk. On paper they are good teachers because he tests well. In real life hes a forgotten kid who gets limited time with his teachers per week. Are his teachers good, I bet they are... just not with my kid. My point is being a good teacher can have several meanings and change form person to person. Some see it as getting through your to-do list, and having good test scores... Others see it as making a lasting impact on someones life. Its hard to argue what a good teacher really means because it can be based on facts, opinions, or a mixture of the two. Dont get me wrong, I am not for teachers losing money in any way. Its already a thankless job to begin with. If it were up to me there would be a nice incentive based system set up for teachers with continued success. The monetary motivation to do better would work wonders in my opinion. If you tell a teacher they will make a $6000 bonus for meeting x goal how much gooder would our education in this country be! Many of the people on the board who know me know I work with about 30 kids ranging from age 6 - 17. If anyone gets how hard the job is its me. Im not on the pay cut side. Im on my own side that says we need to inspect the value of teachers individually, not as a group. When I have to present merit increases to my employees the people that do good work get more. The desk fillers get to enjoy the same pay they made last year. How is it that a horrible treacher can make $65k per year? Give that money back to the ones doing their damn job.
  10. I wish there were more good teachers out there. Just like with any job it takes a certain type. It sounds like you are expanding your capacity circle through education, organization, ownership, and applied knowledge. I hope this is something you are sharing with your peers. A lot of teachers have lost all hope and motivation. Parents dont help, teachers dont have the tools, and people get in their way. Its enough to make the realy good teachers fade into the group. As a teacher how frustrating is it? How many of your fellow teachers have already given up? Do you teach in Hilliard?
  11. V8 Beast


    I have had this conversation like 1 million times over the last decade. -It protects your job, not your position -You can use FMLA for family members. Parents, spouse, kids, legal gaurdians, and people you legally care for. A few things you would need to know to see if you are eligible. How long have you worked there? Who handles your claims? Third party or internal? How many hours have you worked this year? Is her doctor willing to fill out the forms for you? How does your company handle time out of the business (do they have you use any accrued benefit time) p.s. Do it as fast as you can so that the days you already missed can be covered.
  12. Trust me, I know they need to make a profit, I just dont want to be the guy they profit off of this time. I've always just taken the hit in the past because it was easy and I was impatient. Now I start shopping 4 months in advance so I have time to hurry up and wait.
  13. Nevermind. Ill just wait until one of the other cars sell and demod this to make it more streetable.
  14. Anyone? The prices on what I want are going down because its getting cold out. I need to sell at least one of my 3 cars to justify my mid life crisis.
  15. I remember her saying somewhere in the $40k area for her line of work... and thats for someone that taught as a professor at OU for a while. Its definitley not the kind of job for people that want to be rich.
  16. My mother-in-law has her doctorate in education and 40 years under her belt. She feels many teachers dont deserve to make anything more than minimum wage. Thats bad when the person they hire to teach the teachers says what she observes in real life coaching environments on a daily basis is horrible (these views ate limited to the central Ohio to Athens area). No control, no grasp on the information they are teaching, not caring, poor organization, skipping important lesson plans, leaving kids behind that have trouble, sending home work that should be done in the class, etc. Etc. Etc. Etc.. Its hard to be pro teacher when teachers are not even pro teacher.
  17. 26x10-15 M/T slicks with inner tubes, no screws. $140 takes the pair. Decided to keep the wheels and just sell the slicks. Evenly worn, and $360 brand new... Hook better next year for less than half the price :fuckyeah: http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/IMAG0085.jpg http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/IMAG0082.jpg http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/IMAG0078.jpg
  18. Its one td, but against the best scoring team in the big ten. Its not one score... its, oh my goodness we actually scored enough points to be up by one score!!!!!
  19. I think Fickell will be a very good head coach in about 5 years
  20. What do you guys/gals/undecided gender people usually do with your laptops when you get them to make them "better"? What manufacturers to you trust and keep going back to?
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