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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Being the great Dad I am I had my son go to bed at 8 so I could wake him up when I got the game. It took Best Buy 10 minutes to get me out the door with a line of 20 people in front of me. Of those 20 people one guy tried to rape my wife and the other threatened to shoot me. Fun night!!!!
  2. Paul is trolling????? Paul is serious? Paul gave hand job to Walmart associate??? I'm heading up at best buy in Dublin in about an hour.
  3. Well / my part of this thread that is
  4. Clusterfuck has occured /thread
  5. I give it 2 hours and 4 bans Undecided, still weighing out plus deltas
  6. Got you covered Anthony.. See Political experiment thread if you want to discuss politics http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=97727
  7. Anyone that cant have an adult conversation will be removed. Merged with Anthonys thread
  8. Your future... Log on CR and see "U mad Bro" posted by a Michigan fan.
  9. Next time we will be in our 40s and half of us will own corvettes.
  10. Left a family function, got raped, went back to the family function gaped like a bauce!
  11. Your approval noted on the account---> other person calls in ---> Info given ---> credit check ---> accepts term and conditions ------ > Transferred. Two minutes for you. 20 minutes for them + a $65 savings on activating and upgrading.
  12. Not true.. there are a few guys here that plan to get the Nexus when it comes out who are on different carriers. This would give them a NE2 and no activation fee!
  13. Yeah its a bs save tactic. They make it seem like an awesome option when in reality its not.. Well unless you have a new every two discounts they can give away or if you have a friend that doesnt want an activation fee.
  14. You can bring your own equipment and be month to month anyway. The only difference is no activation fee.
  15. When Im at work if I get stuck in a project I can easily lose 4 hours and not even realize it. I have to set alarms on my phone to remind myself to get away from my office and take a break.
  16. Most of you guys would have $90K in credit card debt and be worse off than you are now
  17. Has anyone else noticed over these last two games how accurate Miller is? I know its not a lot to use as a baseline, but he has a larger skill set than I thought.
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