I have a niece who is 17 and going to college soon, so long story short, I want to keep this thread OT for what I'm looking to buy. Here are some that I've looked at thus far, but would like the groups input or suggestions. Again, no firearm discussion please. Thanks!
I've seen the following:
Kimber Pepperblaster aka Guardian Angel® II
^^ I like the size and method even though it's a more direct gun-shot like aim needed to be successfully deployed. Video Test
JPX™ Jet Protector
Definitely more force and direct gun shot like aim needed but again, I like this one too.
Pepperspray Gun
This one is more typical of a spray, easier to use and I like the gun like handling.
Pepperball (I wish it had two shots)
I also like this one which shoots more of a cloud of pepper. The only downside would be in terms of windy environments or outdoors if weather isn't perfect. Great for parking garages, etc. though. The video IMO tells it's impact well.