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Everything posted by TTQ B4U

  1. Yep.....I remember when the guy/kid was killed right at the end of my street off Snouffer. Then not long after the one on Sawmill at Billingsley. Both were in the dark too. I don't care if it's legal or not, neither of those roads are safe to ride bikes on let alone at night. Drivers just don't see or even expect to see a bicycle at night. In this case no way to have expected it on 270.
  2. Picking up his bike that he left parked at Roosters a few days before.
  3. Good Read if you've not already seen it. http://www.dpreview.com/articles/9566705626/buying-a-digital-slr
  4. Go to the search field on the above page and type in smoking. Look at the articles it pulls up.
  5. This constitutes Car Porn. Wish I could.....
  6. Plus your white and don't live in the hood. That's okay to say on public Television right? :gabe:
  7. I wonder if he has seen it. You know his team has likely shown it to him.
  8. Haven't used that one personally but based on what I know, I'd own it. I'm partial to how Canon renders colors too. Skin tones and greens especially. Here's another good read for you. Includes some alternatives. http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/q311travelzoomgrouptest/
  9. Lights on: http://www.pbase.com/timothylauro/image/139798804/original.jpg Now I'm off to Photoshop Jake into the next Evil Knievel. http://www.menkind.co.uk/images/products/1253615461-03184600.jpg I had the full set as a kid and even bought a couple including the dragster for my kids to play with. Off to dig those up in the basement too. http://www.plaidstallions.com/evel/ektoys.jpg
  10. You're certainly on the money with that thinking. Seriously; everyone chooses to go after the wealthy when in fact it's likely much easier to clean up the bottom feeders and plug the holes in the bucket our system created over the years.
  11. You'll fit right in. No worries. Especially since you redeemed yourself. meh....I kinda like the kit. Not too ricey and just a bit different than stock. Needs the pipes lined up a bit better though.
  12. Good to hear. I know many swear by it, but I didn't have as good of luck with AVG as MS Security Essentials. My last "download" PC got nailed and AVG couldn't fix it. I knew what file did it and when I re-imaged the drive I installed MS and uninstalled AVG and Security Essentials nailed it when I went to download the file again. Quarentined and cleaned it without issue.
  13. is that silver or a light green?
  14. Sounds like a good movie that I might make that connection with. Thanks Doc. One of the reviews I read described the characters as: They live in a world where you are always safe and your parents will always take care of you. (It was the 1950s, after all.) Pitt is not a cruel father, but his sons are a little afraid of him. Pitt thinks the best way to raise a boy into a man is to expect a man's behavior, to demand discipline.noted Brad Pitt's character seems to always criticize and find room for improvement; he can rarely praise or seek out the good. You never doubt his essential love for the boys. Sounds like an old school Italian I know. I lost one of my older brothers not long ago too. I think in some way all of use are someone torn by what we learn as we grow and are raised by our parents. In the story, they say Jack has always been torn between his mother's guidance to approach everything he encounters with an open heart and his father's advice to look after his own interests. I'm sure he's not alone in that many of us are trying to find our own purpose and perspective on this relatively short journey we call life. Added to my Netflix Queue. Thanks.
  15. http://download.cnet.com/Malwarebytes-Anti-Malware/3000-8022_4-10804572.html Run the quick scan first
  16. Use a completely separate PC to surf porn and download from torrents. Keep all other PC's powered down when doing so too. Tablets work good for porn though too though :gabe: AV Wise, I run Malwarebytes and MS Security Essentials. Never had an issues and both have done great at catching a few things that did make their way towards me.
  17. What Jones said and yes....they are slow.
  18. Underpowered is likely spot on. I was coming home from Michigan Friday down some two lane country roads when there was a guy from NJ driving a 500 in front of me going 45mph due to the fact that there were two fully loaded semi's in front of him with some space between them, but not enough to jump into without being a dick, should you need to. Poor bastard was afraid to try and pass as I could see him even with a clear lane of open road inch over and then pussy out. I blasted past the three of them crossing over the 100mph mark by the time I was past the lead truck. Zero issues in a 4 door sedan with a 6spd slush box. He never did try. But hey, he gets great gas mileage :fa:
  19. http://www.topgear.com/uk/fiat/500-abarth/road-test/c-driven According to the above, welcome to 1985. At least it's fun if you can't afford much but want something that at least looks decent. At least, at least, at least.....
  20. Fiat Abarth in Fashionable Ben's STi Style http://www.carsnap.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Fiat-500-Abarth-Racer-1.jpg
  21. That makes for a pretty nice Thanksgiving for sure! Congrats!!
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