I never said I was on the same level as Einstein. But if you want to know my past high school experience I will enlighten you. I skipped a lot of days, didn't do much homework just took the tests and pop quizes, and when I was in school I slept most of the time. By sleeping I mean I took 4-5 chairs and lined them up together and slept on my back. My cumulative GPA after graduation was 3.4. It was only low because I just didn't want to do homework.
Edit: Oh I forgot to add that I failed 2 classes during high school. Humanities in 9th grade which I made up half the credit by taking a summer school class and biology in 10th grade. My teacher was so boring that she put me to sleep. I would be taking notes then the next thing I know the bell rings. I wake up from my desk and my notes are covered in saliva. My pencil is nowhere to be found. I didn't make this class up.
I graduated with 23 credits and I only needed 18 to graduate. By the end of 11th grade I had 18 credits. I "told" my principal to let me graduate early since I knew I would have 18 credits. He told me I must have 4 years of english classes to graduate. The catch was I could only take 1 english class a year. I so was ready to take 2 english classes in 11th grade but they wouldn't let me.