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Everything posted by 87GT

  1. Greens are awesome if you cook it right. Got to let it soak in hogs feet. Gets the flavor just right. Tastes good! Trowa approves.
  2. next week then. spur of the moment kind of thing.
  3. I will be there soon with a few friends. See ya there.
  4. The truth is the election is a secret war between Alaska and Hawaii for control of the country. I read it on the interwebz so it has to be true.
  5. I went to register and it wants the confirmation code. It should appear somewhere in a box with random letters and numbers. Well there is no fracking box.
  6. 87GT

    WTB Wii Fit

    Probably gone by now.
  7. I don't own one of these but you need this. It is like $40. http://news.teamxbox.com/xbox/10678/Datel-Announces-Xbox-360-Hard-Drive-BackUp-Solution/
  8. Bish no ak47 in the game. Weak sauce!
  9. 87GT

    WTB Wii Fit

    I want to buy wii fit new if possible. Used may work too as long as it looks like new. Anyone have ?
  10. If chad lives in grove city then we are the same distance away
  11. http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q100/gggraham/529778578_l.jpg
  12. 87GT


  13. 87GT

    Primitive Camping

    With the power outage I have been camping out at various houses. =P Salt fork state park is quiet and they have power hookups. If you have some extra cash you can go horseback riding on some cool trails real close to the campgrounds. They have an excellent golf course in the park too!
  14. Another gay thread. Here is my gay response. keke http://www.norcalblogs.com/commission/images/hobo.jpg
  15. Please take up your complaints to my zergling army. Just wait for all 100 of then to dig out of the ground. kthx
  16. http://media.motortopia.com/files/3445/vehicle/460bdab51a471/9714rice3.jpg
  17. 87GT

    WTB Dryer

    I have one in my basement you can have for free if you can get it up the steps. It is a gas one. The thing turns on and spins but it no longer makes any heat. I pulled it apart and tried to fix but I failed.
  18. I have one I will sell as well for $10
  19. Welcome. Nice AMC for sure. H2 or H3 are worthless. Trade your H2 for an H1.
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