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Everything posted by 87GT

  1. UFO that was made in china is my guess.
  2. Racism will probably always exist. I really hope I am wrong and it changes soon. I will never condone it. It is such a unintelligent and worthless way to live your life. Toxic is a word that isn't used enough. It can be used describe how your state of mind could be if you think this way. All that aside it isn't logical way to think and it is a waste of energy. "Everyone please stop killing each other" is something I've heard a few times from different people today. And to Earth's defense we have. Watch this video and feel positive for the future.
  3. 87GT

    Rent pickup truck

    Will they take pieces of cinder blocks with chicken wire and stucco all over one side?
  4. 87GT

    Rent pickup truck

    Mendars would actually cost more than U-Haul. I've used them before for moving a bed. It is $19 for 75 minutes. And yes they charge more after that :/
  5. What is the cheapest place to rent a pickup truck for half of the day? Is there anything cheaper than Uhaul? I have a few hundred pounds of broken cinder blocks that need to go to the city dump. I would ask a friend but I don't want to fuck up someone's bed.
  6. Cody check this out http://www.instructables.com/id/Doorbell-that-Turns-on-a-Light/
  7. 87GT

    87 Fiero

    It is a lifted spoiler for sure. Minus the height it looks stock.
  8. Wordpress seems to be the most popular format right now. Honestly I think negatively about the company when I see one. To each their own. One of my best friend's builds, maintains, and even sells server space for companies. He can even setup a store and accept payments if you are looking into that. PM me if you want the details.
  9. I can't edit my OP so another price drop. $600 obo
  10. MEANWHILE IN FRANCE http://i.imgur.com/1YkdnHB.gifv
  11. https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/745796156270252032/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
  12. I can't edit my OP so another price drop. $675 obo
  13. Hwilli how does this article make you feel? https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/12/03/weve-had-a-massive-decline-in-gun-violence-in-the-united-states-heres-why/
  14. I spent two weeks in england and only one day in London. I wasnt really impressed. It felt like new York. I had more fun driving to other small towns and hitting up the only pub they had. British folk love to talk to strangers. Check out the tower of London if you are into castles. It is in central London if I recall? It is nice but I am more into the ruins.
  15. Oh wow this is such a nice truck. I wish I could afford another car payment.
  16. If you don't like seeing this happen in public I wouldn't suggest flying. It can and does happen. It has even happened before the mass shooting. That doesn't mean it is correct or that I agree with it.
  17. Last time I went downtown to Plaza 1 I didn't have my badge displayed. I was stopped by security before I even opened the door. I am Caucasian. The security guards are always on edge in my experience. Plaza 1 is the world headquarters of the company and there are tons of people in and out everyday.
  18. So beautiful. When I win the lottery I will PM you.
  19. Trump 2016 Make America great again.
  20. 87GT

    87 Fiero

    $4000 LOL Tell your friend if it comes with a few bricks of white stuff I might consider running to the bank. PS THAT WING DOE
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