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Everything posted by Trjackson

  1. That is just wrong is so many ways. I damn near spit out my OJ on my laptop. Jackson
  2. I will be at work tonight, therefore I won't be able to watch it. DVR FTW. Tilley, I concur. It looked rather suspicious as to why she couldn't make it up the incline. HHHMMMMMM???? Jackson
  3. Maybe I am reading too much into this, but doesn't this generally warrant for a 3 day vacation? Just curious *shrugs* Jackson
  4. In my eyes, the contestant in the red on the second show(guy who has been waiting 14 years) is a complete tool and douchebag. I understand getting pumped, however he was off the hook. However, it does make for good t.v. Jackson
  5. Thanks for the reminder boys, I forgot entirely, watching now. Jackson
  6. Trjackson


    You know how I know that your gay? Jackson
  7. GOD, That was hilarious. Fucking Priceless. Jackson
  8. Mike, I bet you are getting close to 46 correct? And all joking aside, didn't you used to live in seattle. HAHAHAHAHA. Now your name is tarnished! Jackson
  9. Ula Serna(spelling, the lead singer of godsmack) would rather focus on playing poker than his actual career. I will say this, from what I have read on the poker forums, he is talented. Jackson
  10. That is one of the most incredible things I have ever seen on the net, obviously this being short of whatever porn linn post. HAha. Jackson
  11. All 4 of mine came in perfect no pain or anything. I didn't know that most people got their wisdom teeth pulled until I was like 24, just becuase I had no issues what so ever. Jackson
  12. Merry Christmas to all. BTW, Happy Birthday Jamie. Jackson
  13. cash money, Gift cards, clothes, Wideband 02. Jackson
  14. Link worked for me. Is two face in this? I saw a preview and it showed the coin that two face uses to make his chioces. Also, according to IMDB.com it saw aaron echart(spelling) is playing Harving Dent. Jackson
  15. That is my favorite part as well. A close second is when mclovin/fogell says "I got a boner". Jackson
  16. 1. 787b 2. local 2 rotor. 3. abel Iberra 4. local 3 rotor. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/e90c1454-c87c-49b5-b3b5-64809850fad0.htm 5. another local 2 rotor. What can I say, I love the rotary baby! due to my post you may now lock this thread, discussion over. HAHA Jackson
  17. Quoted for the truth! Once yet again, quoted for the truth! Jackson
  18. I searched and searched on LS1tech and corvette forum. It seems LG will not disclose the info on the G5X4 cam. Whats up with that? Anybody have any personal exprience with that cam. Jackson
  19. Jesus fucking christ, I am a moron, why didn't I think of that. HAHA!!!!! Thanks to all for the advice. Jackson
  20. Personally, I hate popcorn, I prefer pizza. NWS, BITCHES Jackson
  21. Why don't you recommend the LG G5X3 cam? Jackson
  22. She called. I am definitely stuck in the friend zone. Which is cool. I only wanted a phone call. I got what I wanted. Jackson
  23. HAHAHA!!! She is single. I normally do treat girls like shit, those are the bitches I am just looking to date/fuck. However the girls I actually "like", I treat like a princess, and it never works out. Nice guys finish last. I live and die by those words. I just can't seem to commit to them when I want to date a nice girl. HAHA. Thanks for all the advice guys. Jackson
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