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Red Beard

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Everything posted by Red Beard

  1. Vynals that you can stick on your helmets. they even make vynals for ping pong pattles. lol http://www.thisblogrules.com/2010/07/bike-helmets-have-never-been-more-fun.html
  2. I have a mossberg 500 12ga pump that Im looking to sell. $300obo. shoot me a pm if youre interested.
  3. are you looking to trade for anything besides another firearm?
  4. http://www.thefightins.com/meechone/ghillie-suits-work-better-in-wooded-areas/ Discuss
  5. OMFG!!!! hahahahahahaha, I use to party with this bitch!!!!! back when I lived in cleveland. hahahahahahahaha she was all sweet and innosent back in the day, but still a slut. lol thats funny. now shes all gansta and brushing her teeth with a bottle of jack. bwahahahahahaha
  6. http://columbus.craigslist.org/bar/1963996927.html http://columbus.craigslist.org/spo/1960004344.html http://columbus.craigslist.org/spo/1942888041.html http://columbus.craigslist.org/bar/1942348414.html not sure what your draw length is, but heres a few i found on craigslist while i was browsing.
  7. I have a copy of p90x on its way to me. My women (now ex) just broke it off so now I'm taking all this free time to focus on this 100+ pounds to lose. I'm 6'3" and weighing in a 317 so I figured what the hell right? I know its gonna tear me up and spit me out in the begining but in the long run I think I can manage. Couldn't be any worse than 3-a-days back in high school.
  8. My bad I was looking at it on my phone. Did not see that.
  10. can this hold the long (rifle) rounds? or is it just the shorties?
  11. Hey guys I know its short notice but some friends and I are going to bw3's in delaware to watch the game tonight. anyone who wants to join come on up.
  12. Are you looking to trade for anything?
  13. :funny::funny::funny::funny::funny::funny::funny::funny::funny::funny::funny: I cant stop laughing at this one.
  14. Im gonna say this right off the bat, it sucks that this dude was a dick, and Im glad to hear you are ok with no damage done. But just be glad he only threw an empty bottle. I've had more shit thrown at me on my bike than I'd care to admit. From change out the sun roof to unopened pop cans, even a fucking bag of golf balls (I know golf balls dont sound bad but they get dumped and go everywhere and they hurt like hell). Now mind you this was when I was living up in Cleveland but still just be happy it was what it was. But its people like this that really piss riders off because of the blaitent (sp) disregard for not only for respect for another person but also the safety of it all. This is a prime example of why I carry 2 knives, and a pair of vice grips in my pocket. I dont want to thread jack you on this, but I have a couple of war stories of my own that I would like to share. Now Im not the type of person to take the higher ground when my physical well being is at risk, and I did retaliate on both occurrences but as they say "It is what it is" and I cant change it now. The first one I was sitting in an intersection up in Cleveland, I was in the middle of the intersection waiting for the on coming traffic to clear. Out of nowhere I get blindsided by some bitch in a Kia Sportage. She hit me right where my rear shock came down (old bike had oversized coilovers on the sides) and just kept on going. I spun 3/4 of the way around and ended up facing the same direction that she was traveling. I dont know how I didnt drop the bike or get hurt in the process. I start chasing after her on the bike, and about 5 lights down she gets caught at another red light (but this time she stops go figure). I start talking to her and she was going on and on about how you people (motorcycle riders) need to make yourselves more vidible (how she said it) you need to be more vidible. I ask her why she ran and she told me that she didnt have any insurance. Me being all kinds of pissed off and knowing that I wouldnt see a dime from this woman even if I did take her to court, I told her to visualize this, and the vice grips went through her rear drivers side window. My second experience was just recently believe it or not. I was cruising down 23 from Delaware, and group of people pull up next to me in an impala and the dude in the back seat starts hanging out the back window yelling all kinds of shit at me. I kept speeding away but ended up catching every single light between Delaware and Polaris, giving the impala plenty of time to catch up and continue yelling obscenities and offers to fight and what not. I ignored him all the way up to the light at Sancus and Polaris pkwy. At the Sancus light, the dude in the back seat opens the door and acts like hes getting out of the car. So I drop the clutch and stall the bike ready to go right in the middle of Polaris pkwy. As soon as i start the get off the bike, he jumps back into the car and starts laughing. So I take off and get onto 71. Im cruising in the right lane and in the far right section of the lane, and right about the time I pass under the 270 overpass the impala comes flying into my lane and is cruising about a foot from my left. The dude is still hanging out the window, now right in my face with his arms raised up high in the air like he was getting ready to grab me or the bike. Hes about 2 feet in front of me and the car was slowing down, so I immediately gun the bike and give him a hard left hook to the corner of the noes/cheek. The last I saw of him was him grabbing his noes and falling back into the car. I know I could have avoided the whole situation by just speeding off and breaking all the laws and such but I didnt think it would have carried on as long as it did. Sorry about the fucking book I just wrote.
  15. so whats it gonna take to make this street legal?
  16. http://latviangoatporn.com/resources/do-want-dowantdowantdowant.jpg http://masinimari.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=19633&d=1242241175 http://masinimari.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=19634&d=1242241175
  17. its not really a computer virus its just the punch line of the video, definite lmao :bangbang: NWS NSFW due to adds http://www.thatsphucked.com/video/66/Office-Crazy-Person.aspx
  18. http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/5ef1adb57b/between-two-ferns-with-zach-galifianakis?rel=player&playlist=135161 funny as fuck!!!
  19. and the crem-de-la-crem i know this is a bit old, and has probably been seen before, but i would totally daily piss'd off pete.
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