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Red Beard

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Everything posted by Red Beard

  1. aww look at the sad little rican, just found out he was getting deported again :gtfo::gtfo: this is the most recent thing i can find of me ill keep looking for some acctual pics.
  2. the whole idea was he would drive up the ramp jump the car a little, and hit the ramp on the other side. but the ramp ended up turning into a trampoline and shot it into the air like a big ass grass hopper lol
  3. http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/c567cc8783/how-to-break-a-jeep-from-that-happened?rel=player
  4. EPIC hahahahahahahahaha http://www.spike.com/video/car-stolen-while/2810097
  5. how do you think he lost half his teeth in the first place?
  6. That's why I'm going to buy it. I had a kegorator already set up but the fridge I had took a dump on me.
  7. Ill take the fridge I've been in need of one for a while now. I have cash in hand and can come get it any time. Shoot me a PM with you address and a time to pick it up and ill be there thanks
  8. Any idea if this is large enough for a keg?
  9. those are great holsters, i have one for my springfield. i just like how when you lock the gun in you know its not gonna shuffle around on ya. thats a nice piece would love to have it as a back up. good luck with sale
  10. I've got a gas powered genorator that I've only used once bought it new for about 500. Send me a PM if your interested
  11. Where's all the burn outs happenen at?
  12. Red Beard

    Saturday 7-10

    I just moved into my new apartment on bush and 161 ill be hitting up the plaza right off of bush. They use to run a public wet box there for late evening burnouts. Don't know if they will again this year but I usually stake out a seat on that noll on the corner.
  13. Ah I see. Welll here ill hook you up. Type this item number (270600979271) into eBay's search bar. And check that out. Don't wait on it though. Its over in like 30 min. But as of right now it seems like a good deal.
  14. Sorry dude. I've been in the middle of moving. Haven't had any time to pull it out. Anyway I just found it and its an xm roady2 it has all the wires for hook up and is ready to go. Soronce again sorry about the wait.
  15. Any word back on it fitting the keg?
  16. Red Beard


    Do me a favor and see what the warmest temp is that it runs at. If its close to 33 or warmer ill take it.
  17. I have a radio that I haven't used for a while. Its still in good shape I paid like 130 for it. PM me if you want it.
  18. Bump for a nice gun. My cuz has one of these in silver its a sharp and accurate gun. His was always fun at the range. I'd buy it but it just wouldn't be the same after the 45 lol glws
  19. Is it wide enough to fit a keg in it?
  20. Red Beard


    wait wait wait. i offered you 40 and a pack of smokes and now you only want 35? hows that work>?
  21. very clean gun, great price. thanks again john.
  22. Red Beard


    you're just looking for an excuse to do it lol.
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