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Red Beard

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Everything posted by Red Beard

  1. not gonna be able to meet up. paint not dry. ill see ya at the track though
  2. shes definitly a cum dumpster and should be blond
  3. well the valve cover is leak free on the bike, but i couldnt help my self, i ended up giving the tank and side flairings the walmart special paint job. couldnt stand to see it halfway sanded down and lookin like shit. hopefully it looks decent, at least as decent as rattle can paint can look over 80 grit sand scratches. see you guys tomorrow.
  4. got the valve cover done, but i couldnt stand to see the gas tank and all that partially sanded and bare metal everywhere so i just got done giving it the walmart special paint job, hope it turns out halfway decent. well as decent as a rattle can paint can look over 80 grit sand scratches lulz. if its dry in the morning ill be there, if not gotta wait till it is.
  5. im down, i figure id just hit up where everyone else was going. probably be haning with imurobgyn for the majority of the day.
  6. url%5Dhttp%3A//www.geckotales.com/drunk-picture-4.jpg%5Bimg%5Dhttp://www.topfunnypics.com/images/pics/030423_dontmove.jpg http://redpox1st.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/9_funny_drunk_cat.jpg http://www.mywebpower.com/graphics/comments/thumbnails/funny_pictures/funny_drunk_driving_test.jpg http://funpho.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/funny-drunk-photos19.jpg http://funpho.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/funny-drunk-photos13.jpg http://funpho.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/funny-drunk-photos16.jpg http://funpho.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/funny-drunk-photos17.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_lLZUGokkG6E/SaVpTE3RuRI/AAAAAAAABKU/UV5txM5XKKs/s400/18.jpg http://www.zasted.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/drunk-girl1.jpg
  7. im working on getting the valve cover leak fixed on the bike, if i can get that done tonight then ill be there bright and early.
  8. http://aphrodite.perfectlytimedphotos.com/content/7282/resized/1242283211888.jpg?1267005492 http://apollo.perfectlytimedphotos.com/content/7288/resized/1238730239494.jpg?1267094822] "SWEET MOTHAFUCKINGHELL HOLD ON LETRISHANIQUWANDA" http://hades.perfectlytimedphotos.com/content/7295/resized/cat.jpg?1267115938 "Be not afraid. I r JesusCat." http://ares.perfectlytimedphotos.com/content/7302/resized/1224008535627.jpg?1267073112 http://apollo.perfectlytimedphotos.com/content/7309/resized/adfadefaadf.jpg?1267004428 "On the 8th day God sneezed and farted at the same time and he saw that it was good." http://icarus.perfectlytimedphotos.com/content/7313/resized/112-no-words.jpg?1267016998 "If I dont see it! It's not illegal!!!" http://ares.perfectlytimedphotos.com/content/7324/resized/1238728859690.jpg?1267100835 "Thriller... Triller night.... and no ones gunna save you from the evil of the night" http://poseidon.perfectlytimedphotos.com/content/20922/resized/perfect.jpg?1268802764
  9. union electronics in marysville is a good place, just a mom and pop shop, but they do great work, and they're cheap. i just had the dmd chip replaced in my samsung 46 lcd about 3 months ago and they got it done quick was in and out with in the weekend.
  10. dude with that tranny not having a shield that bitch would get hottt!!!!!!! it would be like a rolling sana in there. id still rock it though
  11. definitly have to remove the door frame, the wall should be ok to get to the rest. then after you remove the door frame remove and replace what is needed, and while your in there you should spray some antimicrobial to prevent it from spreading. also you should be very carefull when removing the molded wood, it could be covered with mold spoors that will burst and spread the shit all over the house, then your in for a real nightmear. oh and after further review of the pics, i would cut out the lowwer portion of the dry wall where its falling apart, and covered with mold. its beond repair especially the side to the right of the door, i can see the mold growing on it in the picture. you should cut a straight line accross the drywall aprx 3-4 inches higher than the highest water mark or mold spot. that way you are sure to remove all the potential mold that you can.
  12. i just went out to phantom fireworks, they had their super early bird special and i got 600 bucks worth of fireworks for 150 bucks!!! im feelin a bunch of roman candel fights and the wickedly awesome fanalie. tons of boos a bon fire and what ever else the night has to offer lol should be a bunch of fun.
  13. if i had a boat to take out i would so be down. unfortunately i had to part with my old tri haul:(
  14. id be all over this if my employment record were a little cleaner. cant find steady work, and you cant buy a house with out being employed for at least a year. this is one hell of a buy for the right person. good luck with it. let me know if you end up renting it out. might be able to take you up on that when the time comes.
  15. it will probaly never see more than 10 miles of driving in its lifetime and thats just pulling it in and out of the garage and onto trailors and what not.
  16. never been to griggs but ive heard good things, i thought that was a limited motor size resrvoir? alum creek is easy to learn, its better fishing if you go further north on the lake and follow the river channel up quite a ways. that or stay down close to the damn itself. ive always had better luck up north though.
  17. Red Beard


    thanks for the heads up, didnt catch that. go ahead and lock/ delete this if you care too.
  18. Red Beard

    Beef Jerky!

    If we can keep it under the table im sure we can arrange something like that. the only reason i havent started selling venison jerky (deer jerky) is because there are so many regulations about selling wild/game animals to the public. health coads to follow shit like that. ill run a test batch on beef and see if the flavors mari the same as they do with venison (cross your fingers) but i doubt it will taste the same (as good) as venison. now if someone has some venison roast left over in the freezer i would gladly wip up a batch and see what everyone thinks.
  19. im glad i have a good record, i cant stand cort rooms and cops trying to get all high and mighty with me (no offence dragknee) when they pull me over for going 29 in a 25 after just exiting a 35mph zone (it was 20 yards behind the spot i pulled over too) its cops like that that give good cops like dragknee a bad name.
  20. I would love this bike, wish i could pull some strings to get it. I have a lot of shit to trade if your interested. hit me with a pm if you want to talk further.
  21. +2 delaware has some pretty good spots when its not so friggin muddy, this rain has been killin my season out this year. missed out on a lot of crappy due to the bad weather. but there are a lot of good bass spots up river on delaware. that and buckeye lake has some good spots to hit up as well. id avoid indian lakes out of belfountain, its always shallow as hell and would not suggest any boats larger than a 25 hp unless you keep it on the north east side of the lake (because its so shallow). but if you ever want to go out some where and start go fishin hit me up, id be down.
  22. Red Beard

    Beef Jerky!

    i have yet to find some one who has better jerky than what i make. im not trying to toot my own horn but its hard to find a good balance of sweet/spicy/rich/smokey and last but not least friggin tasty. I've been making deer jerky since i was about 10 years old (as long as ive been hunting) and i do believe ive finally found the perfect blend of awesomely balaced deliciousness. id have some left from this past year if my sisters asshole of a boyfriend hadnt eaten all 15 lbs of it when he came to visit around cristmas. but i guess thats a small price to pay for a xmas gift plus gratitude for him serving in the military and all.
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