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Red Beard

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Everything posted by Red Beard

  1. Red Beard


    anybody catch the fight the other night??? chuck liddell againds our home town boy rich franklin. franklin took liddell out with a sold right hook to the upper lip, dropped him right on the spot :eek: then at the end of the fight franklin was talking about how he broke his arm like it was no big deal i broke my arm so fucking what. it was definetly a fight to see.
  2. :(i miss the old days when we just got together at quaker steak, chicken for those who didnt want to drink, a full bar for those who did want to drink, and all the biker bait that the cat could drag in.:( I have an idea, now bear with me on this but.......................... why dont we meet at HOOTERS????
  3. i dont know much about vetts. more of a ford guy, but id definetly be down to help out where i can, or just to get to know some more cr members, havent hung out with any cr members since college. so if its ok with everyone else id be down. maybe i could learn a bit about the bow tie side of town too. lmk
  4. id definetly be down, im in some serious need of losing more than a few extra pounds. depending on location and time i would be game for sure.
  5. actually got to go to this strip it is amazing!!!! its right in clearwater, fl brian (boost-n-juice), rest his soul, went when i visited him before he passed away. theres always a good race there. nice track too would love to go back.
  6. http://files.sharenator.com/funny_thirsty_toddler_even_more_Funny_pics-s375x508-38953-580.jpg http://files.sharenator.com/gas_Funny_pics_from_around_the_web-s500x375-36400-580.jpg http://files.sharenator.com/129039379146278371_Funny_pics_from_around_the_web-s425x340-36410-580.jpg http://files.sharenator.com/kitty_funnie_junk_s356x415_35990_580_Funny_pics_from_around_the_web-s356x415-36412-580.jpg
  7. what do you think? http://files.sharenator.com/enginetable_Funny_Pics-s400x324-17817-580.jpg
  8. http://files.sharenator.com/batdog_Funny_Pics-s411x480-17811-580.jpg http://files.sharenator.com/how_was_i_born0_even_more_Funny_pics-s780x773-38958-580.png http://files.sharenator.com/eggmates_Funny_Pics-s382x326-17816-580.jpg
  9. http://www.randommindlessshit.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/8.jpghttp://www.randommindlessshit.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/6.jpghttp://www.randommindlessshit.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/3.jpghttp://www.randommindlessshit.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/7.jpg http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm50/backpackmak/Jamie-Lynn20Spears20barbie-1.jpg politically correct barbie
  10. x2 if i can get the oil leak fixed on the bike then ill be out, but i gotta do that first. that or if anyone knows a good place that can rebuild turbo's/ can help me rebuild the turbos, for cheap and get them done quick i could get the ranger going. that would be awesome.
  11. dude you defenitly see tit at 1.56
  12. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^hahahahahahahahahaha :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny: sorry just found your off the wall comment funny, it has made my day so far lol. that was crazy. could you imagine losing that thing right off the get?
  13. pretty neat, that dude must have the best tolerance to pain ive ever seen, taking boiling hot water/sap and pouring it right over the wood then immediately working it with his hands. you know that shit has to be hot as hell.
  14. that was sweet, just randomness then bam you get hit with some eerie off world scene that was great
  15. that was gay so gay it was gay'r than aids. gay'r than aids my friend gay'r than aids:nono::nono::gtfo:
  16. thats like every stalker's dream right there lol x2 on the fucking with ppl thing. that would be epic. i would mount a train horn on mine so unsuspecting people would get a random hearing test unexpectedly that would be epic! lol
  17. dude i would totally rock that shit!!! thats like every 5 year old's dream is to build a functional toy gun out of leggo's. i remember when i hand carved and built my first rubber band shooter and my first sling shot, but that would have been 10x cooler
  18. somebody wanna go get me some fucking nail clippers!!!
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