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Everything posted by mitcholi6792

  1. Only thing i run is shell, and in august you'll be able to redeem the kroger fuel rewards at shell.
  2. John does a great job he fixed some dents all over my subie. I definitely recommend him.
  3. Anyone use the controls with the shifter on the second joy stick? i have for the last two games and the gas has been on the right trigger and brake on the left but for some reason when u have the shifter on the second joy stick the gas and brake are now reversed. needless to say this had annoyed me. Other than that this games SICK.
  4. yes i do the first time i saw it you were trying to sell it.
  5. Its worth what your willing to pay for it. If its not the truck you actually want i would just wait to find a good amigo. Look'em up on autotrader and it should give you a decent idea of what its worth.
  6. This Friday im busy but i'll be on summer break next week so i think we could do it then. Just give me a call next thursday and we'll figure it out.
  7. If you could sneak it over to my house we could at least get it up in the air and take a look at it.
  8. He must live out near me cause i see it drive by my house every once in a while. (i live off 310 south of 70)
  9. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=60299
  10. The down side to this is that all the people you hate can live forever too.
  11. Your on CR where everyone catches shit for something. Get a shovel. And deal with it.
  12. Looks good. I like the front a lot but the sides and back half of the car dont seem finished. hmm... Door handles?
  13. Today, I was having sex with a girl I really like for the first time. After a while I told her I was about to come. Her response: "Lucky you." FML
  14. not the first dragonball live action movie but the new one looks way better. Just hope they don't ruin the story behind it though.
  15. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=61752&highlight=blow
  16. I'm on XBL every once in a while. Just send me an invite Hobbs22150
  17. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v330/IHaveCooties/z42332837.gif
  18. called u and left a voicemail.
  19. wow tyler i didn't see that coming. my condolences man. anything i can do let me know.
  20. Always been a fan of evos. Very nice.
  21. well its close to my house and time could be important. but yes military surplus would be good.
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