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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Posts posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. so when you get a chance card, how do you keep it for later? just.,. discard? or does that throw it out?


    Just discard it and it will save it.


    I thought it get rid of it for good at first, I was wrong.


    I don't know if you can keep multiple cards for later in the game though. Anyone have any input on this?

  2. Yeah if anyone finds me I have a couple extra accounts that I have a hazard and bombs waiting for them. Multiple accounts ftw.



    My main account is sitting with 3.1 mil coming in a day and a safety building.

    I have 2 extra accounts sitting on streets I want to buy with my main account.

    Both of my extra accounts bring in more than 2x what I pay for each building.|

  3. one more question.. how do i keep getting money? i thought it was that rent came in once a day? i was at 1,000... i refreshed and now im at 1,500??


    The game is running slow, that could be why.


    You'll get payed your rent at 8pm.

  4. The dynamite destroys other peoples buildings or hazards on your streets.


    Find another players building, click on it, click where the red thing is next to the building, then click destroy.


    For safety buildings click on your street, click build safety building then pick a spot.

  5. Each street gets taxed 3 % over 5 streets.


    So if you have 7 streets you get taxed 6 percent I believe, 8 is 9.


    It's a stupid tax set up because it limits how many streets you can have. They should to the tax as 3 percent of total rent per street but they don't. Massive fail in my opinion but...

  6. Haha, I'm fine, I'm sick of not having a chair with a back for my computer.


    Computer chairs cost the same as wheelchairs if not more, and I like riding wheelies in the wheelchairs so I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone on this.

  7. Most of the long streets after purchasing still allow you to fill them up with houses, and you make more income this way.


    I've also found that I get more chance cards when building houses and not buying streets, therefore you have a greater chance of getting a hazard blocking building.


    But what would I know I've done it both ways and so far buying the long streets and filling has brought me in 2x the amount of cash as buying small streets.

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