I was calling him Floyd all day, and I came to find out that my mom was calling him Riley all day while I was at work, so were just going to leave his name Riley.
Thanks Duff, ended up bringing home the black lab and he is getting along with the other dogs just fine. Took a little bit for my boxer to warm up to him but they are ok now.
Woulda posted this in the thread but it closed up.
My golden retriever didnt want to get in the picture but.
It's because Ohio has some of the most lenient laws on possession in the U.S.
We also have the highest allowed weight limit in your house in one bag at 100g. Just under a quarter pound, that's even more than California I believe. All you get is 100 dollar fine minor misdemeanor.
I used to ball a lot until it cut into my pocket. If you want to find more places to play there is a forum for ohio ballers. ohiopbx.com There are a lot of fields in ohio, and many are a lot cheaper than Splatterparks jacked up prices.
I feel it but whoever deleted it could have just said we don't condone the discussion of this... instead of a keep that shit out of here kind of thing.
Then delete every other post relating to alcohol, aspirin, ibuprofen, and any other medication. They are all considered drugs. Especially since, the medicine of choice does help medically in certain aspects, including sleep problems.
They bark, bark, and bark some more. They are extremely energetic, and playful. If it's a puppy it will like to get ahold of stuff and tear it up, like paper towel rolls or towels or whatever.
Good dogs, just need attention as a puppy.