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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Everything posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. Even Tressel was telling him to go. If he got hurt again there went his future. How many buckeyes will get drafted top ten? Lauranitis, Jenkins, Wells.
  2. Z's are sick, good luck finding one!
  3. We play 10 games? It's 250, and IF we make it to the playoffs that is another few games. How tall are you?
  4. Also, what gear do you need? Me and my brother have played for a long long time and I could scrap from his bag depending on what you need.
  5. It would not matter what level you are at. If you can skate backwards at all, and skate without falling each for each step you should be fine. Our first game is Tuesday. We have a guy or two that are in their 60's I would say skating. Were the worst team in the league I would say, but it's still a fun time. All the other teams have at least 3 or 4 kids that played highschool hockey so... that's why our record is not so great.
  6. I play Ice Hockey in a rec league and last time I checked my team needed a few more people. It's C league, and I'm the only "Kid" on the team. We play on Tuesday nights at the Chiller rinks, so if anyone is interested I'll get the info from the guy that runs my team.
  7. How hardcore do these games get? I need to get more active but I'm short and scrawny and don't feel like getting elbowed in my face. Also, have you looked at the gym at the park of roses for renting? Could be cheap, but I have not been in there since I moved from Clintonville.
  8. You could buy mine. It's slow but I'm sure if you have the cash you could make it very very quick. v8 and it's like an M3 just lighter, and a rag top.
  9. I'm not up to date on all the phone technology. I'm 4 years behind all of that stuff.
  10. Option 1 should not even be posted. Replace that with xbox360 and you have 3 good options to go for.
  11. He has some skill. Put all that effort into real basketball and he will be sweet.
  12. Got my temps today, now I just need a bike to practice on when it warms up!
  13. Johnny B, thanks for the help again. You always have wonderful write ups!
  14. And as far as what you have posted Trowa I know what you mean. I am a daily smoker of another substance and I don't touch cigarettes when I'm under that influence. I've thought about using that for 4 days but I need to find 4 days where I have nothing to do at all.
  15. Once you are addicted you are addicted. The time that you have smoked has no effect on the addiction. My hardest thing about it is that I deliver pizzas and it kills time for me to smoke while I'm driving. I don't spark one up on every deliver I take but I have the option to smoke whenever I want to. I'm going to look into those meds all of you have mentioned. Thanks.
  16. If you have an IPhone or IPod touch they have an app that has all the drink mixes known.
  17. I already switched from Reds to Lights. I'ma give the, It's not an OPTION thing a go.
  18. I've been trying to quit smoking cigarettes, but I can't seem to make it past that third day. By that time I feel like crap or just really sick. I started because I was a dumb ass 14 year old kid, and wish I never had now. I smoke a pack a day, and it's not something I want to continue. I've tried substituting things out for cigarettes like gum, suckers, jolly ranchers and the sort. So for all you smokers that quit, how did you make it? Cold turkey, the patch, what worked?
  19. If my car was not super slow I would like to do that. You all have fun.
  20. You obviously have nothing to say that would help me become more knowledgeable about riding so if you are going to leave comments like that just:gtfo:
  21. I LOVE driving my friends WRX. It's an 01 or 02 I think but they are just a really nice ride. Only suggestion would be to drop it a bit. I'm used to sitting real low in cars, and since you are going from an MR2 to that you will probably want to drop it a bit. Nice trade I would say. Edit- My friends is stock.
  22. Yeah I got to drive home in it in a RWD car on tires that could be considered SLICKS. It would happen to snow right after I call NTB and schedule a time to get new tires put on tomorrow.
  23. Thanks for the Twist of the Wrist link. Just read over half of it and I just realized what time it was. So far great read. I read certain points in detail and certain points I skimmed each word but took in the main points of the topic. Someone should see if those can be stickied.
  24. I'm going to buy a helmet before I take the classes. Is there any brand I should look at specifically? I know I need a DOT approved.
  25. Have any of you have gotten a custom painted helmet?
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