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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Everything posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. Not letting a girl know your about to cum so you can see the face she makes.
  2. My boxer will occasionally rip stuff up and she is two also. We had her in a cage for the first week we got her. If you have another boxer, it's something that they just do. They like to look for stuff and rip the shit up for no reason. Plastic bags, paper towels, anything that can be ripped into a million pieces they will do it from time to time. We have not had a problem with her doing it recently over the past few months though. And boxer farts stink.
  3. Thank you. Did you get the other one to work for you? Just got back from getting the MOM which I had already read on the net too. I'ma just read it front to back at work tonight.
  4. You have to create an account first. It's at the top of the screen. No email verification or anything is needed, so just type in a fake email. I used my spam email account just in case I needed a verification sent to me. Then just DL it and it will be in your saved files. Thanks for the link Kenny.
  5. This is almost guaranteed that he will win the Heisman. You can see how far he has progressed from his first start to the end of the season. He is an all around player too. I actually heard he is a nice kid. A lot of my friends that go to OSU say he is real down to earth when talking to him, and that he is a cool kid. He is in a some of their classes.
  6. +1 but... That would suck to have to use that. It would take me way longer to wheel out a sentence than it would for me to type. Fail
  7. State law says that if you don't make 30 dollars with in the month than you have to pay the difference I believe. That's not hard to make even in SUPER slow week waiting. But thanks, I will look into that as well.
  8. Check the thread that I posted. Apparently Chase needs employees.
  9. Oh, and it's still up. It's been up for about a week now. I got a job at the gas station working 3rd shift most likely. Thanks for the info shotgun on Chase. If I was not a full time student I'd be all over it but it conflicts with my schedule.
  10. It's a SECOND JOB. I DONT NEED THE MONEY. Besides, if you are not busy then the option of waiting and making money is not there, and if waiters are just standing around doing nothing then they don't need bus boys to clean the tables. So, I don't think working for 3.xx dollars an hour is worth it.
  11. Is it necessary to read the packet before taking the temp test for the bike? I did not for my temps for my car as it was all basic knowledge. I read over the Bike Operating stuff on the MSF site, and pretty much read through most of that packet online. I'm thinking about going tomorrow to take my permit test.
  12. So it's a 3 day class total? I don't have to worry about anything but work then for the week and I can just flip from night to day shift for a weekend. Does registration begin at 12:01? I don't want to miss out on the close location, nor do I want to wait til the end of spring or summer to get in. The MSF helps to drop insurance to correct?
  13. Yeah I saw that, but they are a shit hole, and they get no business at all! Plus it's all Mexicans working there in the daytime. It'd be a last resort.
  14. When you do the MSF, are the classes in the day time or night time? Are they through one entire week? I don't recall seeing a schedule on their site. I'm asking because I took some night classes at school this week along with day time classes and if I need to I'm going to schedule them for my spring break.
  15. So basically get the naked version and make changes that I would prefer.
  16. Suggestions between the sv650 and the sv650s. Which is recommended. From what I've read the 650s has a little bit more weight and it's a tighter fit on the bike too (with the higher foot pegs on the second gens?). I'm only 5 8 so the tighter fit may be a better feel for me. I know I need to sit on both to find out which is more comfortable, but is there something about the different models that should point me to one or the other for learning to ride?
  17. I'm looking for a part time, day time job. 3 days out of the week is all I'm looking for really. I'm a little picky as it will be a second job, and I don't NEED the income. I don't mind dealing with customers. I've worked in the restaurant business and that is it. I'm a Manager/ Supervisor at the Pizza Shop I work at now. I learn things quickly. I know my way around a computer basically and have typing skills. I can't diagnose problems, but I feel I have basic knowledge with word, excell, and all of that. If anyone knows of anything that'd be great. Thanks.
  18. I made it just before the cut huh? And welcome.
  19. If you do updates in the top of the thread I weighed myself and it was a lot less than I expected. Height- 5' 8" Weight- 132 pounds. Last time I got my body fat checked it was 6%-7% and I don't think it's changed much since.
  20. Count me in on this. You going to do a thing showing the peoples progress? If so I'll throw down my current height and weight, and update weekly.
  21. Cool. Thanks guys. Sarting the workout tomorrow. Start with a quick jog to get the blood flowing on the treadmill. Then I'm planning on hitting the weights a bit and finishing off with sit ups, push ups, and the sort.
  22. Please do. I was planning upper and lower in the same day. Start out with a quick jog and just go from there.
  23. http://www.epinions.com/review/2000_Kawasaki_Ninja_500R/content_110438354564 I like that review. Is it pretty damn accurate?
  24. I'm leaning toward a SV650 at the moment but I'm not stuck on it. What years/ miles should I look at for the Ninja 500, or the SV650? Price not to exceed? I can get 1000 easily in cash if that's all a starter bike will cost me. I want to ride it for at least the first season. Also, I don't like the feel of jeans either, I don't own a pair, and I have not owned a pair for years! I'll look into getting some nice pants to wear though that do offer protection. I've heard stories of people going down and then the nurse has to scrub all that material out of your wounds. The MSF opens on the 2nd for registration, I already have the link on the top tab of my toolbar so I don't miss the registration. My friend has a few bikes, and he said he would teach me on them. The country is a 5 min drive from my house so I can get on real roads w/o heavy traffic easily to get started. I really appreciate all of your guys help. Quick detailed answers that really made me change my attitude on starting out.
  25. Thanks guys, especially for the well detailed answers.
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