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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Everything posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. I know commitment is needed. It's not something that I'm expecting quick results from.
  2. Yeah, I'm not shooting for huge muscles, and I plan on getting in the gym on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Starting on Tuesday.
  3. And my Gym has not Trainer. I live in a condo, and they have pools and workout rooms, so this is me just doing my thing without trainers. I can't justify getting a gym membership yet, and I don't have the time to drive to and from the gym. I'm crunching getting in the time to work out in general.
  4. Evan, do you ever just go out and run? If so I know you live in the same area as me. Are there any nice routes close by that offer a good scenic route. I know of blacklick metro woods. Treadmill running is boring. Also, if anyone else is also doing the same as I am, would anyone be interested in starting a thing like the weight loss thread?
  5. Since I'm only going 3-4 days a week, should I do upper and lower in the same day?
  6. I'm sure that it's a lot larger than what the picture makes it out to be also. We have a craftsman thing we use in our kitchen as a place to keep stuff, just a smaller one but it was at least 150 I think. Plus that's snap-on.
  7. Wow, that is a lot of money for tool boxes. Good luck on the sale.
  8. I hate all fish except shrimp, crab, and lobster. Tuna is not an option.
  9. I hate odd numbers. Especially any number that contains a 3.
  10. Thanks. I know eating plays a key roll into gaining muscle. You gain fat, your body gets used to the added weight and turns it into muscle. I planned on changing my eating habits. I'm not looking for this to be a super quick progression, so are supplements absolutely necessary to see results? I'd rather eat more food than take supplements. Just for the info though, what kind of start off supplements do you suggest, and what are the average prices? I don't drink soda at all. I stick to drinking tea and water, and if I do have soda it is a sprite maybe once or twice a week. I don't want to quit the tea, but will I need to?
  11. I don't know a lot about tool boxes, but does a tool box like that really cost 1200?
  12. I've been needing to get myself motivated to start going to the gym, and I'm starting this upcoming week. I have 3 gyms that belong to my condo association that I have access to for free, and each has different machines for different work outs. I'm looking to add a little bit of muscle, and tone up a little bit. From what I remember, to build muscle you want to be maxing out at the beginning of the week, and work your way down from there. I plan on going 3 or 4 times a week and doing upper and lower body workouts each day instead of going every day and alternating. I don't want to spend any money on supplements, so can anyone help me plan a schedule? I'm not trying to get super rip or anything, but maybe get up to 155 lbs. I weigh 140-145, 5'8". I look tone as is, just scrawny, and that needs to change a bit, plus I need to get into shape. If you need more info to judge what I need to do I'll add. Thanks. Also if anyone wants to get a few more hours in at a good basement style gym just let me know, like I said, it's free.
  13. How do the SV650's compare with the GSF500? Does one stand out from the other in any aspects, or would either be equally good to start on?
  14. I've been in the back of a police car a few times, and almost went to jail once for quite some time, but never charged with anything. Knowing your rights is the best thing for you, especially at a young age.
  15. My shoe laces have to follow the same crossover pattern for every hole, and they have to window each other for each shoe. Like right lace over left lace on my left shoe, and left over right on the right shoe.
  16. http://www.foodnetwork.com There are references on there as to where to get some BOMB Maine or Massachusetts seafood.
  17. What if my mom comes with me? Any of you 40 year olds looking for a girlfriend? Just kidding, but I would give you some competition. Now I'll save you the trouble and I'ma GTFO.
  18. Also, where can I download a twist of the wrist in .pdf? I searched it but only found articles about the history of how the A Twist of the Wrist came to be, and how beneficial it is to n00bs.
  19. Okay, now I understand why everyone is telling me go for a smaller bike. As far as group riding, those were my concerns. I'ma get a bike when it warms up. I'm in the middle of saving money, and hopefully by the time I get my taxes back I should have at least enough money to get a nice starter bike and get the proper gear needed. Thanks for PWNing me!
  20. How much different is riding a 600 than a 500? What is so much more dangerous about it? Is it just the potential that the bike has, or is really just an entire different experience? From the responses I'm leaning toward one of the bikes you all have suggested, and am steering away from the GSXR, but it's still in the back of my head that I should be looking at them. Is it safer to ride in groups rather than riding solo?
  21. If the bike was in a different persons name would that drop the insurance rates? I don't have my car in my name for the insurance, but I am the primary driver. Can I do the same with a bike? I have Farmers Insurance, does anyone have experience with them for bikes? Thank you to all of you for the quick detailed replys, it is greatly appreciated.
  22. I'm taking this as sarcasm. In everyones honest opinion, is a 600 to big of a bike to start on? Why and why not? I realize that you see I'm 18 and I want a 600 sport bike, so yes, you may call me insane, but if I was 30 years old, posting what I'm posting, would you tell me to steer away from a 600, or would it be okay to start on?
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