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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Everything posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. I didnt start cause I thought I looked cool. I grew up around my mom smoking and I wondered what it was like. I liked it when I tried it and that is that. I was saying, those of you who DO smoke, probably did not start when you were 18. Now I'm not saying my mom smoking made me start, but it was a factor. Anyway, when I tried and horribly failed at it, I tried replacing cigarettes with suckers and such. I had a friend who just quit, but he was a major ass for a month until your body is used to not getting the nicotine. It is very hard, you will start shaking, you will be a dick a lot of the time and you will piss people off. Good luck in your attempt.
  2. Yeah a pack a day at 17. Smoking gets at you young. Now, how many of you waited until you were 18 to start smoking? I doubt many of you did, I only know one person who has.
  3. If it is really that hard on your pockets, roll your own. I smoke a pack a day. I went to the gas station, bought a fresh pack, bought a bag of tobacco, and some papers, and I roll my cigarettes too. I'll have the Reds sitting around for 2 days now compared to one. And the bag of tobacco lasts quite a while too.
  4. Vinnie, what up, it is Hippy. This car is well worth the money, I have rode in it before, it is pretty nice.
  5. No, it is not around your area then I geuss. Right on E-Broad, but we rake in plenty more than a grand on a Friday night. I pull in over that on a Saturday during the dayshift hours.
  6. I'm just wondering. I always eat Fox's cause I work there.
  7. Is flyers any good? I have still yet to get there food.
  8. Pics upon request. Really, just offer! I also Added gear.
  9. First up is a WGP 4+5 harness, secret pocket, and mesh net for extra pods or empty pods. No rips, I dont think any stains, perfect working order. 10 dollars NVader mask w/ thermal lens. Slight crack on the inside, not dangerous- 5 dollars. V-Force Mask- 10 dollars, thermal, rubber siding to help ball bounce.- 10 dollars. I'll let it all go for 20 if someone wants it, which is a steal, I just need some quick cash. I have about 13 pods to go with the harness. EDIT- ALSO FOR SALE Empire Pants Size M I think. Maybe L. great cond. Red- 10 obo JT Jersey yellow, good cond.- 5 Rase Jersey- Green Good COnd.- 5 All prices are obo! I can lump it all together for one low price.
  10. Not really. Seeing as how I was standing in the middle of the line and people walk in front of me. By the time that I should have been in there I was in the middle. So yeah, I walked to where I should have been.
  11. Ok, cool, I'm just going to run some VIrus programs to check it out when it's done. Thanks though.
  12. Broad was off the fucking hook. I went there first, but I knew people in the line so... Lucky me. As far as Picktown goes, I can't stand half the cocky fuckers up there so I walked to the door and just went in front of everyone.
  13. I went. I went on Broad St. and on 256. Tasty shit.
  14. Where can I get a download of it? Anyone know?
  15. Free bump. I had a Virtued DM4 which is pretty similiar but the PM is lighter. I'll let u know they shoot ropes.
  16. Thanks, but I donno if I was dropped on my head or not. My mom may have dropped me. Or the coked out dad that I dont know.
  17. Anyone here have, or can get a 2gb or 4gb sd card for phones at a good price?
  18. Yeah, the dude I got my estimate from told me about it but when I talked to the guy from the insurance company he was like, I'll have to check. Oh well, either way, the money is getting me a new tattoo and paying off most of my car.
  19. Any information to the I get full value of what I payed w/in 90 days of purchase?
  20. Yeah, the DSM was my fault. Young kid in super bad winter I'll accept that one. But this dumb ass girl ran a stop sign and I t-boned her. She did not even touch her brakes.
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