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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Everything posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. 170? I got a buddy intersted in them. Send me a PM and let me know.
  2. I've read up on some of the other articles about taking the Motorcycle Safety Classes and that is something that I planned on doing already. The main reasons I plan on riding are because it is something I think I would enjoy and with me having to get to Newark for college classes next year I could save some money on gas. My main question would be what would be some good bikes to look at to start riding on. I'm more interested in sport bikes but nothing to crazy for my first one. What types to look at and where to look for them?
  3. One of the my moms friends that she teaches with knew this lady. My mom called me up and told me about it today while I was at work. It's a sad sad story.
  4. I'm sure that everyone already has this game but I'm still going to try to sell it. I traded in RB6V2 and bought Halo 3, played it and I just cant get away from COD4. So Halo 3 for 40 dollars. I played this game for 5 min probably.
  5. Rekarts COD4 is about it because Rainbow sucked nutsack.
  6. COD4 has me hooked. And I've put so much time in it that I can't even play RB6. It's not as cool as I thought.
  7. Any updates on if this is a sick game or what? Stick with COD4 or get RB6?
  8. The 17th would be sick. Disturbed and STP.
  9. My two friends acutally left for boot camp to Paris Island for the Marines. From what they say, boot camp is complete hell. But then again, listening to all of the stories that I have heard from friends parents, boot camp is a bitch and the rest of the experience is completely rewarding.
  10. Where abouts in Pataskala. I'm on the boarder of there and Blacklick, I live right behind the Target in the condos back there.
  11. OP, you live down the street from me. Haha. Could have even delivered you a pizze before if you order from Fox's.
  12. Go for a 98C and add a flatline barrel. Or the A-5 and add flatline barrel. There are other barrels out there that arent 110 dollars but the Flatline is excellent for woodsball. The downside to it is if you get a broken ball in the barrel, which will happen sometime or another, you cant just screw off your flatline barrel. I would suggest the A-5 because it has the anti jam cyclone feed and throw a 14 inch lapco barrel on it. Also, use HPA. It is much better with your gun than Co2. With Co2 your shot will not get equal air pressure behind each shot. So one shot that goes 200ft may only go 150 by the time you shoot three balls at so it's not very consistent. HPA is also better for your gun. Good luck on your buy.
  13. As far as what has been posted th Ion is your best bet. It's a decent electronic gun, but you are going to be needing HPA to run it, and an electronic hopper. If you are looking for a woodsball gun, that you dont have to clean, look at some tippmann's. You can run CO2 on them with no problems, your not going to have to clean it after everydays use, although you should do this to every gun, and they are the most reliable out there. 98C or A-5 for sure. If you are really looking to spend some cash, get the shocker. Shocker+Virtue board= 30bps+ on full auto. Easily 20 if you have fast fingers on Semi.
  14. I'll take it if no one has claimed it yet. Cash on hand. Let me know.
  15. Foote and Federov are OLD! Were looking into the future. Why waste a few million on people that are going to be gone in 2 or 3 years? Makes no sense. Thats like spending 100g on a car you know is going to die in 3 months. Would you do it? Of course not. We got first round draft picks. Whats this mean? We can get another young star. Foote is still playing the old way of the league. The NHL is changing from big strong guys, to smaller, quick, agile, and nutsack dangling kids.
  16. If you are all renting, I suggest going as a group or most of you will get completely raped at S&D and it will turn out to be no fun. I wish I still had my gun though. Had a DM4 w/ a virtue board shooting 30+BPS. But I would suggest hitting up splatter park when they reopen, or look into when the next Big Game is out there. Lots of fun. They average over over 1000 people at each event and they just split the teams up evenly and give you various missions throughout the day to accomplish.
  17. My mom has this car, just not the supercharged version and I love driving the thing. Nice and roomy, and pretty quick. It's a fucking beast in the snow too.
  18. Older Pink Floyd in the Syd Barret days>new floyd for sure. Led-Zeppelin I is the best.
  19. That is what I'm doing with mine. I wont have the funds next year to pay 600 back with college coming up.
  20. I can't even vote in the Primary because I dont turn 18 til' June, but I get to vote in November.
  21. I'ma drop this shit in a bank account. I heard either you claim it as money made, or it is like a forward for my next years income tax. Anyone able to verify?
  22. They were not made of kevlar when they were first introduced. They were just cloth. If you did not have one then you would just take a piece of cloth to tie around your neck. I geuss that they have been made better now. I dont think the NHL players will have to wear them, but the younger leagues will.
  23. Your skate sharpness compared to the sharpness of their skates is nothing my friend. And besides, you also have to realize how quickly it ran across his throat. But then again, the odds of that happening are 1-100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.
  24. I have Farmers too. It's my shit. We get discounts for grades, having homeowners with them, and the 10% for them also taking it out directly from our accounts.
  25. Start with the FASFA. I just did mine yesterday. Just be sure to have all of yours and hers tax forms ready. It makes the process time about 20 min instead of an hour.
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