Now, everyone go and do some research on Marijuana/ Cannabis.
The tar that it does contain is not as harmful to the body as the tar that cigarettes contain. Along with that, it also has the ability to boost brain cell growth. The carcinogens are what cause cancer in cigarettes, and yes, there are four times the amount of carcinogens in marijuan, but studies show that marijuana does not cause cancer. So, this tar is not effecting the lungs.
It does not cause cancer.
Also, how many times have you heard, person dies from marijuana. Or kids get in a deadly accident while driving stoned?
400,000 deaths are caused by alcohol.
100,000 deaths are caused by smoking cigarettes.
Fight me all you want. Yes, listen to the bullshit the government feeds you.
Honestly, if it would help, yes start smoking weed, it is not as bad for you as cigarettes. Do I think it will help you quit? No.