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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Everything posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. Bump for the price drop. This is a freaking deal!
  2. I'll look at reasonable offers. Remember, I am including a car adapter with it.
  3. Ah, I'm looking for needles and clamps. GL with the sell.
  4. I think it was pretty damn cool. I like the end with all the books opening.
  5. You dont need to press ctrl. Just prtscrn button and ctr+v in a photo program. I.E. Paint or Photoshop
  6. Depending on how quick I get my check from my insurance company I will be interested if you still have it. Pics? E-Mail- hippy_with_a_hackeysack@yahoo.com
  7. Bump. I know someone has some kids that want to start snowboarding. This would be great for that purpose!
  8. BUmp just because I have a boxer as well.
  9. I'll sell you a hand held cd player for 10 dollars, then you can just get the thing that you pop in a casette player and plays music. My CD Player is a Sony, one of the indestructable ones.
  10. I have a snowboard, boots, and a bag for sale. My asking price for it all is 50. I can provide camera phone pictures upon request. I'm getting rid of my old gear. The board will be good for someone b/w the height ranges of 4' 10" to 5' 3" in my opinion. The boots are a size 7. The bag carries it all. The board is a shop board from Jays Snowboards. It is a nice board that is still in good condition and just needs a waxing. There are bindings but I would personally suggest getting new ones. The boots are airwalk boots. They are in good condition, nothing wrong with them at all. Someone should want this for there kids to take em out on the slopes this winter. You can PM me here, post or call my cell at 614-562-6538.
  11. Does the Disarono come with the Lexus? If it was a 5 spd, I would prolly get it. Good Luck.
  12. I have actually heard Genjis is the shit. Never been though. I need to go.
  13. Waffle House Mother Fucker. BD's is a good choice, but since it is all you can eat I would say no. If boss picks up the tab, go somewhere you love to eat and it's not a buffet. LIKE WAFFLE HOUSE! Or take a roadtrip to I-Hop.
  14. Try the music shop next to Skullys. They have lots of CD's you cant find in stores.
  15. Done deal. I must say congrats to not one all day. It will be the third and fourth day that catch up to you so good luck. Sunflower seeds are what I tried to stop with. Start buying the flavored kind too. They worked for a while longer. I'm not even gonna try to stop anymore. I do enjoy it.
  16. If you knew anything, Ohio basically has decriminalized it. Ohio laws state that you are allowed to have up to 100g on you and the most you will get is a 100$ fine. Nothing on your record. That is falling just short of 1/4 pound. 200g is max 250 dollar fine and or 30 days in jail. that is just short of a 1/2 pound. If you ask me, that is practically decriminilization. The upcoming pres. cantidates are also very lenient on marijuana. Even Hillart has no problem with it at all. The day is coming soon when it is decrim/ legalized.
  17. Now, everyone go and do some research on Marijuana/ Cannabis. The tar that it does contain is not as harmful to the body as the tar that cigarettes contain. Along with that, it also has the ability to boost brain cell growth. The carcinogens are what cause cancer in cigarettes, and yes, there are four times the amount of carcinogens in marijuan, but studies show that marijuana does not cause cancer. So, this tar is not effecting the lungs. It does not cause cancer. Also, how many times have you heard, person dies from marijuana. Or kids get in a deadly accident while driving stoned? 400,000 deaths are caused by alcohol. 100,000 deaths are caused by smoking cigarettes. Fight me all you want. Yes, listen to the bullshit the government feeds you. http://www.abovetheignorance.org Honestly, if it would help, yes start smoking weed, it is not as bad for you as cigarettes. Do I think it will help you quit? No.
  18. Wow, weed is not even bad for you, nor will it help you stop smoking. Your body craves the nicotine, there is none of it in weed. Just try cold turkey, see how long you last. Honestly, I would say just start rolling your own cigarettes. Get a roller, some filters, papers, and a bag of tobacco. It is cheap as hell.
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