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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Posts posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. Nash is a star player when he's playing with star players. He doesn't make anyone around him produce. Carter is there to help with that. The first person I want to see gone is Umberger, followed by Nash. They already got rid of Commodore, which was one of the players I wanted gone anyway.


    CBJ can't play as a team. They are the worst team in the league at sustaining pressure in the opponents end. Playing dump and chase all game is worthless without the chase aspect.

  2. but I pay $69 with AT&T and have unlimited data and text and 450 min.


    You will not get any cheaper with any carrier. I have this exact plan with ATT and I pay 96 a month. If you switch to Verizon you'll lose unlimited data and pay 91 a month.

  3. If you are switching from a non Iphone to an Iphone you will lose your unlimited data, no getting around that. It's been like that since last year, or whenever they got rid of their unlimited data.


    As far as the upgrade goes, every time a new IPhone comes out, AT&T will allow you to upgrade at new customer rates. This was true with the IP4 at least. Even if I got my 3gs a month before the 4 came out you could still upgrade for $200 to the 4. I don't see them changing this plan this time around, but I'm not working for them anymore so I can't give you a %100 solid answer.


    Don't switch to Verizon for the Iphone, you wont even have any sort of 4g. At least ATT will have HSPDA.


    I would get back on the phone with your ATT rep.

  4. No, it's not Verizon LTE 4G. It's still HSDPA, which AT&T calls 4G but AT&T is about to roll out their LTE network.Real 4G is LTE Advanced, no one has it yet.


    ATT will still be running their HSPDA as well as their LTE, so you'll still have faster browsing capabilities on ATT with the 4GS.


    There really is no incremental gain with the Verizon 4gs.

  5. problem is that i shoulda sold my old phone last week. the market will be flooded with iphone 4's now. FML


    Most people don't know that you can get the new phone at promotional pricing regardless. You will see people with broken phones that don't realize they can upgrade for 200 dollars. This will help you sell your older version for a decent price to someone.


    I personally will pay full price for a phone before I sign a phone contract, so a person like me would be interested in buying a phone from a 3rd party person in a situation like yourself.


    There is no doubt in my mind you can sell your Iphone 4 for 200 dollars to recoup your upgrade cost of the new version.

  6. Does anyone know how the upgrade pricing works with the iphone? I currently have the iphone 4 on att. ive had it for about 7 months so im not due for an upgrade yet, but i was told that when a new iphone is release everyone is offered the upgrade promotional pricing, regardless of upgrade status. Any ideas?


    This most likely is true. Every new release of the Iphone they normally let anyone upgrade with promotional price to the newest Iphone version regardless of your previous upgrade date. This was true for the IPhone 4 launch.

  7. Wait until next week when Google announces the new Nexus phone that will be running on Icecream Sandwich (Android 4.0). Then you can make a fair comparison. 4.0 is suppose to give people the visual ooh and aahh that the iphone has, along with some other cool updates. It will have NFC (Google Wallet), and the one thing I'm very curious about is that rumors say it might have a facial recognition unlock screen based on some leaked files. It will be my next phone.



  8. That does piss me off as we both have it. However, we both have iPads and wireless around us all the time, so we use it for surfing and streaming at my desk. Even on a big use month when I was streaming 3G I don't think I hit the limit.


    Do they still change your plan if you pay full price for the phone and just replace mine? I don't need the discount if I sell ours.


    You'll need to change your SIM card, which might draw a red flag now since all of the Iphone SIM cards are MICRO SIMS now. Your best bet at trying this is buying your phones and not letting them take a peep at your account in the store. When you get home just call into customer service and tell them you have a new sim card number for them. NOT IMEI! On Verizon I don't know what you would have to do unless the new Iphone is 4g capable. (No IMEI or Sim Card in non 4g Verizon Phones)


    My suggestions, stay with Android. Technology in the real world is going to be following android based devices as the future unfolds, not Apples IOS platform. I'm not an Apple hater, as I have a few thousand dollars worth of their products, but when it comes to the phones Androids win IMO.


    Wifi? 4g is faster than your home internet. Notice how since the 4g has come out Verizon even dropped their plan down to 2gb of data. The phone companies are thinking into the future already. If you have unlimited data, do whatever you can to keep it, even if that means not upgrading to that IPhone.

  9. The Village Idiot on N. High St is alright as well. Only reason I'm even mentioning it is because they have Founders Breakfast Stout on tap right now! This is the BEST beer season! Beer, 2 dart boards and a pool table. It's quiet and not crowded in there on the weekdays.
  10. I did mine at Krav Maga. Cost me 95 with my own gun. The instructors brought about 20 or so various other handguns to the class and the range, all ranging from .22 to .45 of various different manufacturers. Very good experience if you don't own a gun already to see what really fits in your hand and see how it shoots instead of just going out and getting a Glock.


    The class was 125 I believe if you didn't have your own firearm.

  11. I had an E-Cig for a little bit when they first came out. I'm not a fan of them to say the least. I know a few people that have quit buying cigarettes completely and only use the E-Cig. It is cheaper, but I don't think it replaces real cigarettes in the least bit.
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