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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Posts posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. Looking for a new full time job.


    I have 4 years of experience in the small restaurant business, 3 of these years working as a manager.


    I have 1 1/2 years of experience as a sales consultant. As a sales consultant I worked on base pay plus commission. All sales experience is on the sales floor working with customers face to face.


    I would prefer to work in a sales environment but I'm open to other options.




  2. Another question:


    So I wouldn't have a contract with my phone? Would it be just pay as you go?


    Thanks for all the help, by the way... :)


    Yes, it would be pay as you go but not like a go phone.


    The only reason behind the contracts is because you're purchasing a 500 something dollar smartphone for a discounted rate of ~200 dollars when you sign a contract. They want to tie you down for 2 years to make up for the loss on that phone.


    By taking in your own equipment that's not something they have to worry about losing money on so you can sign up for month to month.

  3. OK, so this is what I see for my best option:


    1. Buy supported phone on Amazon.

    2. Bring phone to Verizon store, upgrade my plan, and add phone to the plan.

    3. Get cheap phone for mother-in-law


    And I'll still get my 20% discount on all of this. Sound about right? :)


    Yes, spot on.

  4. I was thinking of getting whatever free phone they have for my mother-in-law. But whatever I buy on Amazon, it has to be a phone they support at Verizon, right?


    And yes, whatever phone you get on Amazon will have to be supported by Verizon. Check out Phonescoop.com if you have to double check on any of that.


    If you're looking for a smartphone look at the Samsung Fascinate first in my opinion. If you don't like it you still have the Incredible and X which are both good smartphones as well.

  5. So if I buy the phone on Amazon, how do I add it to the plan? Do I have to go into the store? :confused:


    You can have your wife call in and do it (She's the account holder) or take it into the store, (she'll need to be with you/ have you added onto the account as an authorized user) whatever is easiest for you.


    All they'll need is the serial number off the back of the phone, I think Verizon is MEID number or something like that.


    EDIT: I don't know if you want a 2 year contract, but if you take your own equipment in you can avoid signing any contract at all. Just stress that when you call/ go in.

  6. Just move onto your wifes plan and up the minutes to 1400. I think Verizon has a 1400 min plan or something close to it. 30 dollars unlimited text for the family.


    If you buy the phone on Amazon you can join Verizon and not sign a 2 year contract because you have "Customer Owned Equipment". Don't let them tell you that you'll need to do a 1 year at a minimum, some sales associates will do that.


    I don't know how Verizon discounts work but I know most of the time they only apply to the rate plan and any feature over xxx dollars.

  7. A lot of people have unlimited data plans and don't come anyhwere close to getting their moneys worth. I had a customer using 50mb a month MAX and they wouldn't drop down to the 200mb plan to save $15.


    I'll go through a gb in about 4-5 days just with Pandora.

  8. I think what's set up outside to hold the swing is 4ft, might be 5ft but I can double check it when I get home. Either way it shouldn't be too hard to move one of the hooks.


    Not looking for anything fancyt, just something to hang with the chain links and is sturdy.

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