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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Everything posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. Hope he pulls through. Is this the guy who posts under Cycle Search on the forums?
  2. The guy at the BMV should ask you if it's a "Gift" or a sale. Did for me anyway.
  3. LoL at the guy dropping his bike and not using common sense. Sorry about your bike though. I'd be super pissed off but at least he had the decency to come find you. Most people wouldn't have said anything if they thought they could get away with it.
  4. I did the same the year before but couldn't make it. Actually I'm so lame I was at a party and picked up a lap top that was laying around, pulled out my CC and registered last year. It fills up fast. Just got my M endorsement today, the test is a cake walk.
  5. I'm going May 22-24 at COTC. Good luck with the class.
  6. Friend of mine got her top cut open on her car today. Where are some good places to get some quotes for this and where are some good places to get the job done? Thanks in advance.
  7. Wasn't this put in place mainly for people that cause accidents while texting though? Say you cause a death, but you wipe your phone. Will they be getting warrants to check your phone records? Can they see what you were saying, or only that you were sending a message at the time of the accident/ offense?
  8. I hope I get to rock a dual sport then at the MSF course. Normally does anyone there have their endorsement? I've heard a few eggs out of the bunch do. I just want that insurance discount. Also, do you guys have the AMA membership? What's the average discount you get for signing up for that?
  9. Feels good to be able to go anywhere and ride at anytime now. Passed with zero mess ups, and the instructors were very impressed with my riding skills for how long I had been riding. Makes me feel kinda good and my mom feels a lot better about me being on the bike so it's an all around win win. One guy was there, bought the BIGGEST BIKE HE COULD FIND. 1800CC cruiser or something like that and failed as soon as he started! Kind of scares me people like that are out there riding just to look cool. I was the last person to go and me and the guys giving the test were having some shits and giggles about some people there. I hope when I go take the MSF they have a Buell there so I can get the opportunity to ride a bike a little more fun than the rest. Night time ride soon anyone?
  10. Your Ohio driver abstract spans the previous two-year period. License Status as of 04/06/2010: VALID ENDORSEMENTS: NONE RESTRICTIONS: NONE **************CONVICTIONS************** C1 IN-STATE CONVICTION COURT: REYNOLDSBURG MAYORS CRT COURT CASE: 8TRD05175 OFF. DATE: 12/12/2008 CONV. DATE: 12/23/2008 POINTS: 02 OFFENSE: STOP SIGN C1 IN-STATE CONVICTION COURT: FRANKLIN CO MUNI COURT COURT CASE: 8197954 OFF. DATE: 10/13/2008 CONV. DATE: 10/28/2008 POINTS: 02 OFFENSE: STOP SIGN ***END OF DRIVER RECORDS*** Get my Endorsement M today assuming I pass.
  11. From what I've been told going in there and paying the fine and asking for no points works 99% of the time. For clarification, I know what I did was wrong and I'm planning on paying the fine, I was just trying to see all my options to not have points put on my license. You all act like you've never taken you're vehicle above the posted speed limit before.
  12. No, CPD has been trained to drive and use their computers at the same time. That's what they're going to say.
  13. If you can beat the system why not. And no. I'm still paying attention to the road and am in control of what I'm doing. When you're paying more attention to something other than the road you could be slowing down messing up the flow of traffic. Accidentally speeding up and running into someone, or just completely not being able to react to a situation about to occur on the road. While I'm speeding on my bike or in my car I'm fully paying attention to the other drivers on the road and what's going on.
  14. I wasn't saying it was okay for me to text message while driving. I was making the point that just because I can do it's still not okay.
  15. I want to see the rest of the reaction.
  16. I'm just saying. I've seen enough posts about "That dumb bitch that was texting and driving." When something gets done about it it turns into a shit storm of why are they doing this, it's so dumb.
  17. I'm an ass hole. Last time I payed a ticket I shouldn't have and should have taken it to court and fought it. I hope Karma helps me out. :gtfo:
  18. Truth. Go stand on any intersection that gets any traffic during 5 o'clock and 7/10 people are looking down at their phone or have it pressed up against their ear.
  19. Set GPS before you go somewhere and boom. The law wasn't created just to screw you over. There are more people that don't pay attention while using these devices than ones that do. Sometimes one person ruins it for everyone.
  20. You're still not paying attention no matter how easy it is. I can text an entire conversation without looking at my phone no problems. Just cause it's easier for me than it is for some others doesn't make it okay. I'm still not paying full attention to the road.
  21. If you want to use a GPS mount that shit in your car and use a GPS. Negotiating menus on your phone is just as bad as texting on your phone. You're still not paying attention to what's going on around you. Either speaker phone it, blue tooth it or learn to be patient.
  22. From what I've heard from a source is they got 3 tickets on the same road, and I'm assuming the same place and they just got assessed fines and no points. Anyone have input on how they do stuff down there?
  23. GOOOOOOD! I hope they put this into full force effect and actually ticket people for it. Sorry blondie in your Bimmer Convertible, but it was bound to happen.
  24. I won't lose my job regardless. It's a second job that brings in minor funds as well, and I would just get moved to another position in the business.
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