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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Everything posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. Sell Hummer to the rap industry. What are they going to be ridin dirty in now?
  2. I want to see a Canada vs USA gold game again. These two teams will be coming for each other after the last they met. Canada has a bad taste in their mouth from USA, and they want that Gold on home ice.
  3. Say you could vs. yourself, what would the outcome be?
  4. My mom teaches for Columbus Public, I don't know how she does it. Gotta really love what you do. You only need your BA too.
  5. It's disgusting that he chose his profession just so he could do this to kids. He will be dead in his first week in jail.
  6. There are bikes on craigslist that are more new and have less miles for around the same price. I'm sure you can talk people down a little bit, but with bike season starting so soon I'd be looking to buy now before prices start going up a little bit more.
  7. Get one of these. http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/1975-honda-cb400-2.jpg
  8. http://www.onntv.com/live/content/onnnews/stories/2010/02/22/story-guns-national-parks.html?sid=102 Don't know if it's news to you, but figured I'd post.
  9. Because then I have to come up with another 700+ to pay for this upcoming quarter. I planned on using the money they refunded me to re-take the classes. Once I had found out that I was removed and couldn't attend Winter I put tuition money at car repairs and getting a few months ahead on my bills and put 700 away so I could pay for Spring classes. Now they expect me to pay for the classes that THEY kicked me out of and this upcoming quarter, which I can't afford and that means financial aid will expect me to start paying back the loan money because I won't be in school for the time being. I basically just want them to take actions for their mistakes and not just dig into my pockets trying to get money. As much as I should have checked up on everything myself the OSU Staff told me to pay xxx dollars which I did and they caused me to be short in tuition, which caused me to get kicked out of school and have all this happen. I shouldn't have to make sure someone else is doing their job correctly.
  10. Never hurts to ask... Have any pocket watches you're willing to part with by chance?
  11. You would have been correct about a year ago. I'm sure Mattress Firm or some of those places carry them. Any store carries memory foam and it's a HUGE difference between that and conventional. I only wish I could afford a memory foam mattress. Just the few minutes I get to lay on one at work is amazing. I never really understood how much of a difference it made, but it's HUGE!!! Can you get a hook up on Temperpedic pillows too? The near 100 dollar price tag scares me away.
  12. Memory foam of any sort is great. You're not going to be looking at replacing it nearly as soon as it's suggested to replace a conventional mattress and it's extremely comfortable. They form to your body extremely well allowing for a great sleep. Personally, Temperpedic isn't that much better than a memory foam you can get for half the price. If you can get a deal on it then it's worth the investment. The only reason a lot of stores even carry temperpedic is to get people to come in and look at them then push them to the cheaper memory foams when they realize they can't shell out 2g for a mattress. Conventional mattresses you should replace every 7 years or so due to springs going bad and how much dust they are prone to collecting. With memory foams you don't have to worry about it wearing down as quick and you don't have to worry about any of the dust problems you do a conventional so you can get another 13 more years out of it.
  13. So I've been dealing with a huge mess with my school and some financial problems so to speak. I attended Autumn 09 Semester at OSU Newark. I took out all the money I was allowed to for my Subsidized loan and payed the rest of the balance off with cash. On October 23rd of 2009 I was withdrawn from school BY THE UNIVERSITY for failure to pay funds. I was $2 dollars under balance. I missed the notification and did not find out about this happening until Autumn Quarter was over and I went to schedule for Winter 09. Realizing I had no grades I went to my adviser to try and get this worked out. She said that she could try and find my grades but there would be no guarantee and that I should schedule for Winter courses anyway. The day Winter 09 began I went to the school to see if they had found my grades because I needed them for pre-reqs for Winter. I didn't have any grades down, couldn't get into the same classes by this time and told them to withdraw me from Winter 09. Now I have a balance of FULL Tuition from August 09 on my account, with no grades posted so I try and get this taken off of my account. I've been back and forth with them for months and I get an E-Mail today stating that since I completed the quarter I'm responsible for paying for the classes. What I want to do is go take the classes again since I have a full stack of graded papers sitting here that I can transfer work onto new sheets. I got kicked out, refunded in full and attended school while I WAS NOT ENROLLED. Now they say since I attended I have to pay, even though I don't want the grades to count or anything of that sort. Are they just not understanding the situation completely, or is this how it works these days? They just want to take my money. Now they caused me to miss out on Winter quarter and possibly make me miss out on my Spring 09 quarter because I won't have the funds to pay for Autumn 09 and Spring 10 at the same time.
  14. The weather should be getting warm enough after the next two weeks that a huge storm will only bring lots and lots of rain. Geese are coming back to the ponds in my neighborhood too so that's a good sign I hope.
  15. I like watching Nash play with some good support. Gives him the chance to jump out of position to make a play knowing he'll have some kind of support assuming something goes wrong.
  16. I know we have a lot of sales going on at Waterbeds N' Stuff right now. We don't carry Tempurpedic due to the high price tag but we have memory foam, conventional mattresses and of course waterbeds.
  17. Canadians are still in it. I was surprised of the outcome. I wasn't expecting anything much from the USA team in this tournament at all. Now they have a bye for the next round as well.
  18. If Tyler is referring to the school I went to he is right that it was a joke. I got handed out in school suspensions for 1. Asking completely honest, "What is a Pap Test?" 2. Saying "Jesus". I had never been in any trouble before these few minor incidents and I had better grades than most. Some school officials just like to use their power of discipline.
  19. I hope it pours, melts all the snow, and that's the last of it until next year.
  20. I'm not saying your neighborhood is one of them, but I'm sure it's within decent walking distance of a neighborhood that you wouldn't consider to be all that great. I never thought my area of town was bad, then all the shops around me are getting rob, a string of house and car robberies occured for a good amount of time over the summer and fall.
  21. I have my BRC that weekend so I have all of work called off and I'm heading down after the class.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMKlk7fXAuE&NR=1
  23. Bell Star Icon Motorhead Jacket A* Stage Jacket A* SPX Gloves I bought the shoes brand new but that's because I needed them asap. So 400 down to under 200 on both jackets (Stage was on clearance though) 100 down to 50 on the gloves I saved 650 including the helmet purchase, and wasn't charged any tax on any purchase either which I haven't taken into consideration.
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