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Posts posted by kirks5oh

  1. Depends on your level of risk you like to take


    Tons of good answers so far—reduce debt, pay off any credit cards, money towards mortgage


    After that, it’s up to you. I’ve done a fair amount of everything below


    Conservative route—municipal bonds. Pretty much guaranteed money, and you’re not taxed on this.


    Company 401 plan—our hospital matches up to 3%. This is free money, you’d be crazy not to take advantage of this if your work offers it


    Health savings account—this is tax free money taken out of my paycheck that I can use to pay health costs, and it’s not taxed. Any extra at the end of the year, i can invest.


    529 college plans—life/enjoyment through giving your kids the opportunity to be better than you. Kids=greatest investment ever.


    Mutual funds—you get taxed on capital gains and have to deal with the fluctuations of the stock market


    Property/rentals—dealing with tenants, or have a rental company handle it for you. I bought a $65k hotel room next to road America 5 years ago. It’s managed by a rental company that takes care of everything. I have the equity of it being paid off, it nets me $2-3k per year, and I can write off all the fees/taxes/expenses/etc. I use the place a couple times a year and use the pool with my kids whenever I want.


    Vacation house—much bigger investment, but bigger reward if you rent it out. Again, using a rental company (Wyndham resorts) I don’t have to deal with people, repairs, cleaning, etc. all the rental income can be written off at tax time, and you have a cool place to visit when you want.


    Ira’s—this is a no-brainer.


    I don’t have the patience to deal with tenants so I’d never own a rental property without a rental company managing it. And I don’t have the expertise to deal with playing the market solo, or buying marijuana stock or bitcoin, or anything else that is not mainstream. I hate seeing losses, so I don’t typically do high risk things

  2. Happy with my adt system paired to two ring doorbells. At the end of the day, I’d recommend keeping guns around the house in case of an intruder, and good insurance. The best security system in the world wont deter someone hell bent on killing or robbing you. Insurance pays for lost/stolen items, and the alarm system warns me someone’s coming. I also have a driveway chime which is probably the most helpful thing when we are home
  3. I love my detached shop and i don’t really work on cars anymore. The heated floor will be awesome. I have a 40’x60’ shop with 20’ ceilings in the middle, kept at 55 degrees in the winter. I have a separate 200amp panel to the shop with plenty of outlets everywhere, including 220 outlets for my 4 post lift and probably 3 others I’ll never use. I have the shop plumbed for compressed air in multiple locations with a separate compressor room for storage and so I don’t have to hear the compressor. I have 3 ceiling fans for the summer heat. A good durable non-slip floor coating is a must trying to think if there’s anything else I would add. The shop has a single main garage door that is 10’ wide, 12’ high. And a single side garage door to the compressor room
  4. I love what I do. Been doing hip and knee replacements for over 10 years. The pay is still very good for what I do (not so much for other docs), and the patients love the end result. Only things I don’t like are electronic medical records, all the paperwork, and tax time
  5. ‘99 sentra

    ‘05 exploder

    ‘87 t top 5.0 mustang gt

    ‘90 7-up mustang 5.0 vert

    ‘04 cobra

    ‘85 t top mustang gt

    ‘08 Escalade

    ‘05 gto

    ‘09 c6 z06 vette

    ‘11 ctsv

    ‘13 gt500

    ‘14 f150 raptor

    ‘13 Nissan GT-R

    ‘15 Audi rs7

    ‘17 explorer

    ‘18 navigator

    ‘18 Chevy ss

    ‘16 hellcat charger.


    Pretty sure that’s all of them.


    Currently have the rs7, gtr, hellcat, raptor, ‘85 fox, explorer, and ‘18 navigator.

  6. It's a good transmission, really fast especially for a torque converter. I was going back and forth on whether I should trade in my A5 and lose the ZF8 for an S6 with the 7spd DCT. 8 speed is capable of holding more power and has an extra gear. At the end of the day, it was 4.0TT that beat 2.0T, and the DCT is pretty cool too.


    I’ll be honest with you, the 8 speed in my Audi is much better than the twin clutch in my Nissan. I’m pretty sure it shifts just as fast and the paddles work better. It will hold much, much more torque as I’m pretty sure all the huge torque Bentley’s have the same lump, as well as the hellcat/demon/red eyes. Yet the Audi shifts better than my hellcat charger and has never had an issue cruising 90% of the time on the 93 octane tune (700lb/ft). I’m on the brink of trading my charger for an rs3, so it will be interesting driving a 6speed twin clutch, 7speed dct, and 8 speed slush box back to back.

  7. I think you highlight an interesting point here: I am not the customer for an RS7 either, and I have to imagine the majority of customers who would buy an RS7 wouldn't have a problem with it being an automatic. As hardcore a "manual only" guy I am, I understand that not every car has to have a stick. If I have to have a car that does what the Rs7 does, there is still the BMW M5 and the Chevy SS (used market).


    Where I get chaffed on this issue is when traditional engaging "sporty" cars to DD and do light track work lose their manual. I have a 3 series and an A3, both in stick and both I would handily replace with newer stick versions when the time came, except audi and bmw both dropped the stick for those cars. I went to the launch party for the "new" a3 a couple years ago, and I drove one and it was faster than my existing a3, but not nearly as enjoyable - and that's important to a plucky car like the A3 where it isn't as fast as a camaro, mustang, et al....it needs to be enjoyable.


    I get that paper stats sell cars, and having lightning fast shifts helps those numbers, but my commute doesn't need those numbers. Road going sports cars are just better feeling cars with manuals, and in the case of the new supra I feel like it loses a whole market segment - esp when it is coming out that the intended competitor is the porsche cayman, a car that sells quite well in stick.



    Sounds like you wouldn’t enjoy the difference between an a4 to an s4 to an rs4 on your daily commute—so why are you complaining about Audi not giving the us market the good “rs” models, if you’re not interestd? I was looking for a full sized, good looking luxury car that could easily run mid/upper 10’s and got exactly what I was looking for.


    Regardless, if Toyota was billing this as a lightweight, road track car, it would have been cool to see a manual option

  8. That will benefit you greatly for all the timed racing you participate in.


    There is not one time I take this car out that it doesn’t see triple digits. And I’ve had it on the drag strip. It out-et’d and out trapped my vette. So yes, the fast shifts are beneficial

  9. yeah well...America's voting habits are suspect these days.


    That being said Every new car, 90% of the used cars, and 100% of the motorcycles I have bought have been manuals so I voted with my wallet.


    Audi told me they don't want a repeat customer or my money. I'm fine with that - plenty of challengers, camaros, mustangs, VWs, subarus, bmws, etc...in the sea.


    sports car without a manual? come on toyota, be better.


    Sorry, your vote didn’t count.

    No problem with my rs7 having the 8speed auto. Honestly, on kill mode the shifts are so fast if I wasn’t looking at the tach I would assume the car was not even shifting. I’m assuming the Supra will have a similar setup—millisecond shifts with no boost loss. It’s funny watching 90% of mkiv Supra videos on YouTube—turbo lag followed by crazy power/wheelspin, followed by a granny shift, more turbo lag, eventual insane power, followed by another granny shift, rinse repeat

    If I want something slower (with 3 pedals) I can get a mustang or corvette.

  10. I’ll wait a year and see how they perform. 4200lbs, if true, is certainly a bit disappointing no matter how fast it is. If it can hit 10.8’s and consistently trap 130+, I’ll likely buy one. Shocking to say that considering I can easily remember being amped about a car running 12’s from the factory trapping 110.


    You can still get a gt, gt350, and an eco boost with a manual, so let’s not all panic

  11. Meh. Keep in mind these are 19-21 year old kids getting bombarded with horrible advice from every angle in a world saturated with social media, none of us were exposed to at that age. I don’t blame him for leaving. And lol at everyone commenting on his sister’s looks. Like any of you wouldn’t hit that. Christ. Elbows too pointy.
  12. Thanks everyone for the well wishes- had it done this morning and wow, what a wild experience. I’ve never had surgery before so this was crazy to me. The procedure was supposed to take 135 minutes but because mine was so bad it took close to 4 hours. They had to realign my big toe twice. On the couch now and still can’t feel my leg. I suppose that’s a good thing.





    Thanks for the advice- I saw it a little too late haha. I actually went with Dr. Koplanski. Supposedly the guy is the best in the business. I had Lapiplasty done, which I’m sure you know is a new procedure. They’re saying I can walk in a boot on Monday.


    Good luck with your recovery. Can’t imagine working on a toe for 4 hours though.

  13. There’s at least 100 different surgeries that can be done on a bunion. All have potential benefits and risks. Robert gorseline, and Jonathan feibel are two excellent foot and ankle surgeons in Columbus. Personally, I wouldn’t trust a podiatrist, but that’s just me
  14. Meh ending to a meh season. How the hell does a one loss season leave such a bad taste in your mouth? It’s not even like i think we should have been in the playoffs. I think we could have beaten Oklahoma or Notre dame, but not Clemson or bama. That and the big 10 as a whole played shitty in their bowl games despite what i thought was a great opportunity to win nearly all of them.


    I don’t know if we can do better under a different coach? Not many can motivate an underdog team like urban for the big game. Would have loved to see what the defense could have been with bosa.

  15. would be great if we have a win (first and foremost)--northwestern is a sleeper team--they were handling Michigan for most of the game. but a convincing win would be great. I think the committee needs the 3 teams that can compete against alabama--and I don't see Oklahoma being one of those teams. Oklahoma has zero defense--zero. we had a great defensive performance against Michigan. if we have the same performance against northwestern, I think we have a solid argument to not only jump Oklahoma, but also jump notre dame, and put them in the #4 slot, facing bama in the first round of the playoffs. otherwise, i'd honestly rather play in the rose bowl.


    or Georgia beats bama in a close game and both of them make it in over Oklahoma/osu

  16. Tell her not to ghost her friends for some dumb cunt. Unhelpful common sense aside, showing her some dumb online sites to meet people, or pretty much any recommendations from dad at this time will just make her cry more... seriously, daddy saying "you can find new friends at shitfuckwhatever.com" will just make her feel pathetic. Just be her dad for now. Hug her, say shit'll be alright, you're beautiful and smart and shit will get figured out. It'll take time bro, but just be there as a dad along the way.


    Agreed. Set up father/daughter night twice a week—see a movie, go to dinner, etc. join a bowling league, etc.


    There are plenty of websites to meet people on, when she’s ready to do that. Right now she just needs her father

  17. yeah but if you don't know that ..yikes..I read on CF that someone took their car in for an oil change and they didn't drain the main and then over filled it and toasted the engine.


    Pretty sure you’re referring to the famous story where they put oil into the odd shaped valve cover plug instead of the dry sump canister, and it basically hydro locked the motor. I’m almost certain that occurred at a dealership. Guess what? There are retards among us constantly, and you’d be amazed what responsibilities they are given.

  18. I’d take it back there and demand to have it fixed on their dime. Think about how many cars they service. Less than 5% of people out there are going to look the car over before they leave the shop. It just doesn’t happen. This is a car site, we are by far the minority who may or may not inspect a simple tire swap immediately. You think the shop expects every customer to inspect their work before they drive home? Nope. It’s not like you’re taking it back a week later.
  19. CR gets one cool car related thread and you guys don't even read or care. You have made this place a joke.


    Oh fuck off. Just joking—see—that’s a joke.


    Look a couple posts above this, he’s asking what color to get, like a woman would. This is far from a cool car related thread. If he wants an answer from 100’s/1000’s of current owners he should ask on a mustang forum.

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