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Posts posted by kirks5oh

  1. Did the new tax bill reduce the amount of money we're spending? Did it reduce the amount of money we're borrowing to piss away on the spending that you guys hate so much?


    If so, just as many dollars are being "pissed away" after the tax bill as before it. The only difference is, you know, it's our kids' dollars or something. Whatever. Problem for another day, amiright?


    All the sudden Republicans aren't concerned about the national debt :lolguy:


    I promise to spend the tax savings on a new car, and a bunch of other shit I don’t need to help “stimulate” the economy and help the overall financial situation here in the states.

  2. You married a tinder girl? You're doing it wrong.


    crazy, right? two years later and things are pretty awesome. she works her ass off, and makes serious bank, not that that is the end-all. but I certainly have a lot more respect for someone with a masters level education who can support herself, her kids, and probably me and my kids if I had to stop working. :fuckyeah:


    I'm not used to someone paying for shit, whether its for dinner, or a brand new Lincoln navigator. it is, what it is.

  3. Why do you want to increase the national debt?


    because I don't really care about the national debt. the tax cut helps me more than it hurts the rest of the country. isn't that the American way? paying more taxes is not the way this country is going to get out of debt. I pay enough taxes each year. and now that I'm married to someone who is also in one of the higher brackets, its even more. not complaining, I just don't want more of my hard earned money being pissed away.

  4. I've always considered buying one of these cars, but would need one with less miles and a warranty---I'm just not up for this kind of work at this point in my life. sounds like a good deal IF...............


    nothing else brakes!!! its a roll of the dice though. interested to see how this pans out


    and never pay check for car parts from a company that says "we hate credit cards" its a red flag, and they lure you in by giving you a great deal. hope they don't screw you

  5. Are you saying a dealership/manufacturer can go through your data logs if you bring the car in under warranty for a broken component and deny your claim based on your driving history according to your data logs?


    Nissan GTR's have an on-board black box, which can do this. yep. for sure. my GTR was full bolt ons when I broke the trans. I took it to Nissan dealer anyways to see if they would fix it under warranty. aside from the mods, which they were cool about---they said switch it back to stock and we will do it if the black box checks out. the black box gets sent to Nissan in japan. they told the dealership "no fucking way", after seeing the number of launches that were done, and the fact the car had about 10 blasts from 55-110mph immediately before breaking. whoops.

  6. Haha, I hear it's an age old debate on the pizza. I'm sure we'll try another place while we're there.


    Any other building you recommend? I'm definitely open to it. Our hotel is literally overlooking Centennial, so I think we basically have to go. It won't be a spectacle though, probably just a quick exploration.




    Give me some names! We'd be down for that for sure.


    meh, pizza is pizza. if you've had it one place, you've had it everyplace. why not go to a unique-ish restaurant? there are tremendous steakhouses in Chicago---I know there are plenty in cbus as well.


    for something unique and fantastic, I would recommend 'the girl and the goat'. its super busy, you'll have no shot at a reservation. you can easily eat there if you go late, and wait by the bar/lounge area. grab a few drinks, wait for a couple bar stools to open up, and enjoy incredibly unique food. its a small plate-type place. I'd recommend the pig-face, and the halibut. you want to order at least 5 small plates. you'll thank me later, the food is epic

  7. The goat is good. Breakfast at the original pancake house--the line moves fast, I promise. Dinner at tavern on rush. Amazing steaks. Gibsons is great. Lunch and bar food at Timothy o tooles. Red headed piano bar is cool. The lady and I go there every couple months for an overnight stay, as it's about 2.5 hours from my house. And yes, it's 2.5 hours from road America.
  8. Wasn't aimed at you. In fact, based on your side of the story, i'd say you are pretty justified. Infidelity is about the only reason I could see kickin' my ol' lady to the curb.


    I'm not even saying every child from single parent homes "fail." Though the most recent stats I heard (on a liberal news outlet at that) showed a vast majority of them become leeches on society. Some are far better than others.


    Serious question, (and obviously you don't have to answer, but I am legitimately curious): After it came out that your wife was being an unfaithful tramp, did she face any serious repercussions from her peers and family?


    As for school having ALWAYS raised kids. In human history that seems to be a relatively recent occurrence going back to sometime in the 1800's (the year escapes me at this time) as a result of the industrial revolution. The workforce needed massive amounts of workers all able to do the same tasks at the same rate, which is why you see schools structured the way they are, and those kids that aren't quite like the rest of the herd are diagnosed with some kind of disorder and put on meds to fall in line.



    I hear you. I would agree with you, in that if the parents don't step up their game after the divorce, the kids are in a difficult spot. I couldn't focus on my kids prior to being divorced because I couldn't get over my ex's indiscretions, amongst other things. I was also a little too focused on career/etc, and neglected the kids (because she was the stay at home mom) as well as neglected my personal health. my ex was focused on money and possessions.


    I had to make major changes after the divorce.


    in terms of repercussions for her, she literally lost all of her friends. most of them came up to me after the divorce and apologized for initially siding with her---she told them the divorce was because I was abusive and treated her as an object, etc. once they found out exactly what I put up with, they disowned her. she has a few acquaintances, and her bf has some buddies, but that's about it. her parents supported her, because that's what parents do. I don't think they agreed with what she did, and I know her mom realizes her daughter is a hot mess. she still sends me cards for birthdays, Christmas, fathers day, etc. and I'm still very friendly with her when she visits. her dad is a douchebag.



    my family basically hates her, and admitted to me later that they never really liked her. at the low point of my divorce, 3 months in, I went home to ohio from Wisconsin for easter. many of my family members just found out I was getting a divorce. at easter dinner, my dad stood up and gave a 5 minute speech (I won't go into the details, but it was awesome). I was totally distraught, but all 25 people at the dinner table stood up and told me I had their full support, and they had never really liked her. basically a standing ovation. it was a lifechanging moment for me. not that it was to be celebrated, but it was important to have all my family members in one spot have my back.


    but I would agree with you that infidelity, is about the only deal-breaker for me.

  9. Welcome to the age of broken families and shitty parenting.


    Everyone needs a break, date night, occasional long weekend; but fk me if I am happy about splitting custody of my children and being happy about it because I get big long breaks. At that point, your kid a a trophy to show off and please you. When you are done, pawn it off on someone else. If that's the mentality, you shouldn't have kids in the first place.


    Schools raise our kids, daycares raise our kids, babysitters raise our kids, grandparents raise our kids. Parents no longer raise their kids. :(


    you're wrong on a few levels bud. hate to break it to you, but I'm 100% more dad now, then I was 5 years ago. maybe that's a knock on me, maybe not. I'm not happy to split custody of my kids, but that's unavoidable at this point. I take my kids to school everyday on weeks I have them, and pick them up most days. I cook their meals, buy their clothes, laundry, dishes, etc etc. I also get to go to all their sports on weeks I don't have them. being a single father and being good at it, at the same time having a successful career is damn hard. I'd challenge anyone to do the job I do--ain't happening. and on the weeks I don't have the kids, I'm at work before 6am, and don't leave work till after 6pm. most of those weeks I take call around the clock as well. I make a great living--enough money to hire a team of live-in nannies/cooks/cleaners/etc. but won't ever do that.


    schools have ALWAYS raised kids. we are in an era where women have successful careers. I'm easily in a position to have my fiancé take care of the kids (we have 5 between us--2 sets of twins), but the fact she has a successful career, and amazing drive, is important for me---its also important for our 4 girls to see her success and realize they can have that too if they work hard. there's no such thing as a stay-at-home-mom anymore.


    there were plenty of shitty parents back in the day. If I raised my son to treat women the way my father treated my mom, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. sure, there are plenty of broken families, shitty parents, and poorly raised kids. but there are also people who step up to the challenge of being a single parent after a divorce

  10. Fixed. Not to take anything aware from adopting, but there is NOTHING in this world, NOTHING- like seeing and interacting with your offspring every day- a little nugget that looks like you, act like you, and wants nothing more than to be you when they grow up. And this is coming from a guy that lived about the most vigorous single give zero fucks lifestyle one can live.


    As for the women, people my age can only find decent women via E-dating. Nothing wrong with that- but no women worth being around after 30 doesn't come with baggage. The good ones are taken, and the ones that have no kids, and have never been married, are 100% guaranteed to have a malfunction of some sort. If you are OK with being a loaner, or a Yolo single guy int he dating scene, you eventually be that" weird old guy" at the bar. Its inevitable.


    There are pros and cons to everything in life, and marriage is not for everyone. But having a real life long teammate at your side that happens to have Dat Killa' makes a lot of sense long term.


    this. totally. especially the part about women over 30 having kids, and/or baggage. men are no different. I had to take into account any potential gf would have to be with my 3 kids 50% of the time and deal with my jealous ex. its a lot to ask, but it is what it is. when I'm not with the kids, we travel, live it up, etc etc. that recharges me for another week of running around like crazy with the kids. wouldn't have it any other way at this point, given the fact divorce was inevitable for me

  11. Damn, man that's horrible :(



    I've never been married or really even gotten close to marriage but can anyone explain why the male in the relationship holds the burden of the cost in 95% of these cases and still ends up getting fucked? Is it a money thing, where as whoever makes more money in the marriage owes the other $X amount or is literally based off of gender (Srs question because I honestly don't know)? Is there a reason that the female tends to typically be favored in a custody battle? Could a prenup avoid a lot of these types of issues, at least money wise? Maybe someone can chime in, but I think these are good Q and As for anyone who might be getting married soon on what things to consider if things go south.


    my fiancé was in a situation similar to mine, in terms of the way her marriage ended. only she was pregnant with twins, how shitty is that?. she's got an incredible career, and has over 50% custody at this time---5 years later. but she has to pay HIM child support because of her income. basically, the court wants the kids to have an equal lifestyle at each household. if you look at it from the child's perspective, it makes sense. why is it fair that the kids have access to everything at one household, and not the other. is it fair, I have to pay her a ton of money each month, only to have her spend a ton on herself, car, house, boyfriend, boyfriend's daughter??? no, that's not fair, but I don't have any control over that---to fester over that will drive you nuts. I've resolved the issue, she will never pay for college, etc.


    everything earned as a group during the marriage gets split 50/50 depending on the state. the house, the cars, the savings, etc. if you owned the house before the marriage, then you get it. its not always cut and dry, but that is the basic premise.


    a pre-nup helps, and it was an odd discussion, but my fiancé was the one who mentioned getting one---it protects the kids as well.



    bottom line---if there's any chance at saving the marriage, that's my recommendation. a bitter divorce sucks. to say "we are sick of each other" is not enough in my opinion--but every case is different. if there's been infidelity, that could be an absolute deal breaker. I learned that for me, once the trust has been broken, I can never give that trust back.

  12. I've been successful at just about everything, except my marriage. Divorce was the hardest choice I've ever made, and the biggest struggle of my life. But I learned what I was capable of. I did everything possible to make it work---multiple rounds of counseling, both individual and with her. Made tons of changes with work, helping her more, etc etc. took her back after cheating (who knows how many times), and finally she said "I'm not leaving my boyfriend, you can do what you want".


    So I hired the best attorney, and told her to pack her shit. I had to pay for her attorney, and split all assets 50/50. But I didn't have to pay alimony after 10 years of marriage, and most importantly, I have my kids 50%---although I pay a ton of child support even though she had to go back to work--don't ask. Turns out it was the best decision I ever made. I was absolutely miserable and it simply wasn't going to work. People change over time and the kids, although they are absolutely incredible, will make people change as well, and put stress on a relationship. Financially, I fully recovered in 3 years, and am better off even with paying child support. Most importantly, my kids see me happy, and not fighting with my ex. I've got more help with my surgical practice so I can be active in their lives and get to go to all their games, take them to school, etc.


    It breaks my heart that my kids have to go from house to house, but there was literally nothing more I could do. I have them for a week at a time, and then they switch on mondays after school. Marriage takes two people willing to work, in order to be healthy. If it's an absolute necessity, then file---keep the kids out of it. Don't ever talk badly about your ex to the kids---one of my 9 year olds has already figured my ex out. I will never have to say a word about what happened, not that it matters in the long run. I've buried the hatchet with her boyfriend (she's still with him), as he actually did me a huge favor. At 40, I can now find someone to be happy with, and have. I could go on and on. Some of the shit that happened during my divorce was literally nuts---I can laugh about it now, but at the time it sucked. Kids are resilient. If you raise them in a healthy environment and make things consistent between both households, it will work out. It's not ideal, but kids raised in an environment where the arguing is constant, is just as unhealthy for them---and you.


    You will likely have to pay child support and alimony. It is what it is. I didn't, because she was living with her boyfriend. I'm in Wisconsin, and it's a no-fault state, which means they don't give a shit if you cheat---doesn't affect child support, etc. but in my case it eliminated alimony. I was lucky to get 50/50, given the fact my kids were young, she was a stay-at-home (obviously not entirely!) mom, and the nature of my job (being on call,etc). You will want your kids to have access to the same lifestyle at her household---which is why I pay so much child support. Don't try to hide assets/etc. a good lawyer will find ALL of that money, roll it up into the shape of a Louisville slugger, and proceed to fuck you in the ass with it in front of the judge. Then he will remind you that you're paying him with money that could go to your kids.


    In the end, I was able to settle out of court and avoid a costly trial. Like I said, I had to pay for everything to fight both sides of the divorce. EveryThing. It took 9 months. During the divorce, the kids stayed in the house the entire time, and we had separate apartments we used when we weren't with the kids. It was again, costly, but it eliminated any risk of me being kicked out of my own house during the divorce because she was the stay at home mom, and this was the kids environment. It's called a nesting arrangement, and if you can swing it, definitely do it. It will make 50/50 custody much, much easier for you to get, if that's what you want, and it should be. Once I spent 6 months with that set up, and proved I could succeed at 50/50, there was no fighting it from her or her lawyer. When she realized she was getting no alimony, and threatened to go for more custody, 6 months into the divorce, my lawyer told hers to "bring it".


    Good luck. This was a period where I also got into running and triathlons to burn off the stress. I recommend some form of similar stress relief. It saved me, and I still run almost everyday. I hated running growing up

  13. i'll be the giant guy in the corner giving out protein shakes to all the fitness model chicks.



    seriously, its cool to see columbus attract something like this, but in no way, shape, or form do i have a fraction of the patience for all the 'bros' that this event attracts.

  14. these motors can make 800tq on race gas. talk about straigt up nuts. my rs7 has 4400lbs to move and has zero issues doing this stock, let alone with 93 octane tune. honestly, it feels faster than my GTR, which is a flex fuel car. these cars are obviously awd, which means they launch hard as well. sweet ride
  15. No warranty on the 727 one either, just the 670 kit.




    You can't be serious lol. These "packages" weren't deals if you actually look at the prices of the parts. It's just very clever marketing.




    Maybe the single best post I've read on Friday. Bravo.


    Some people don't enjoy the hassle of pricing together shit. I'd much rather just write the check for the car and all the mods put on it

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