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Posts posted by kirks5oh

  1. How the fuck can you put ND ranked worse than Michigan? 1 ND is undefeated, 2 ND beat Michigan.....


    Nd would get wrecked by Michigan at this point of the season. The playoff committee realizes this, whereas the previous bcs computer did not.


    Gonna be a rough game against Michigan state let alone Michigan. This is the most uncomfortable 8-1 season ever

  2. Thank god i do shit every idiot can’t look up how to do online. That is all. I could go on for days, but this country, as a whole, puts zero value on their own health. It’s largely a generational thing. That’s why I love baby boomers so much. They are incredibly thankful for medical services rendered and improvement in quality of life. Younger generation—not So much. Every person I see under 40 has an excuse and places the blame elsewhere. They come in to the office with a $1000 iPhone and bitch about a $50 insurance copay.



    My advice, if you’re sincere about your desire to be healthy—find a clinic that has evening hours—they are all over. Plenty of us offer evening hours once a week to capture patients just like you. Hard workers who can’t stop to see a doctor 9-5. Get someone to physically examine you. You will get an idiot working online, trust me. You think they let the best doctors sit in front of a computer, or the weirdos who suck at interacting with people?

  3. Painful game to watch. Defense needs to learn how to tackle—at least one of the touchdowns they just flat-out gave up. They had what? 10-15 downs that were goal-to-go, and got 6 points total? A fair amount of that falls on the coach’s shoulders. The whole big 10 is suspect. Michigan looks good, but their offense is average. Osu needed a wake up call, I don’t know if they’ve played top 5 level football this year with any of their games.
  4. definitely going to look at one of these bad boys this summer. need to order with the 10 speed automatic.


    the blower noise gets old after a while. I put an intake on my hellcat charger in preparation to mod the car this summer (didn't get a chance to do this), and the blower whine is a bit much. the blower makes noise going uphill on the freeway on cruise control.

  5. Go bucks. Move on, no more domestic violence talk in here. Bottom line, her parents knew what was going on and told her to stay. If one of my four daughters is being abused by her spouse I sure as fuck am not depending on her spouse’s boss to report the abuse to his boss. The fuck is wrong with people? It’s not his job to butt in on a domestic situation between adults.


    Time for some football to start bitches. Fuck Michigan

  6. cars have also gotten exponentially faster and more dangerous in the hands of the average joe blow. when I was in college, 1996, my h/c/I '87 fox was considered fast, and was tough to beat where I went to college. probably had 315hp and ran 13's. stock, they were an upper 14 second car, trapping 90mph. these days, mustangs trap 25-35mph faster. the chances of getting into a serious accident while racing on a public roads are much, much higher. so the penalty for street racing and the 'crackdown' is what it is.
  7. Who’s doing your surgery? This is one of the worst lower extremity injuries you can get. Make sure this goes through work comp. don’t settle until at least a year or more out from the injury. Hopefully someone’s doing the surgery who specializes in trauma, or is a specific foot and ankle surgeon. Yes, this is a serious injury with a high chance of major concurrent fractures—hence your burst fx of the spine. Good luck. Dig in, and prepare for 4-6 month recovery.
  8. Intake and throttle body are not worth the money, but will become necessary if you wanted an all-out n/a setup. You might as well mill the heads and throw the biggest cam possible if you went that route, but then the car sucks when driven normally. I’d leave it as is, go for a hero run when you can find great track conditions, and possibly have a shot available if you wanted more track duty. I’d do everything possible to keep it daily driver friendly.


    Good run! That’s impressive

  9. I hate the colors on these things. They need to add a matte grey or matte black option and I’d buy one tomorrow. One knock on the vette is that you can’t tell whether it’s a base model ‘15, a stingray, a grand sport, a z06, z07, or zr1. Aside from ricey wings, diffusers and badging.
  10. Not sure I’m sold on these cars. There’s a point at which they’ve maxed out the high hp, rwd car. May wait to see the mid engine version or look to an exotic. Anyone else think this car should trap closer to 140? I know this is not a 720s, but those are trapping 140’s with stock tires and (supposedly) less power—I know there’s a weight advantage but the vette has more torque. I’d pull the wing off this car immediately if I bought one and make a picnic table out of it
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