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Everything posted by iwashmycar

  1. http://i816.photobucket.com/albums/zz89/kittaykat9963/Decorated%20images/FCSM.jpg
  2. You know it's gonna be a good one! lols
  3. A guy on my FJ forum had his done in di-noc. Somewhere around 2900 including some interior pieces... http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g133/cruisin69/c012e23f.jpg http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g133/cruisin69/3a4f7931.jpg http://www.fjcruiserforums.com/forums/picture-media-post/138538-carbon-fiber-wrapped-fj-cruiser-2.html
  4. It should just be like WIC right? There are only certain things that you can get like Milk, cheese, eggs, and other 'good' stuff from my understanding.
  5. It's good starter stuff being nice and rather durable for the price, but it is far from the quality you will get at a real furniture store. After moving to SC, we bought almost all our furniture there.... Just sucks building it all...even the couch.
  6. well done sir Are those the same BBSs that you can get from Toyota for a Camry? I've always liked them, but thought it an odd option for a Camry.
  7. Very nice. I have always just washed like normal but with warm water in my Nomad washer! It was only an apartment garage, so water on the ground was okay. The walls don't get all too wet since it isn't super high powered. http://www.horseshowjumps.co.uk/ekmps/shops/horsesj/images/nomad-18v-portable-horse-washer-1564-p.jpg But now with a much larger vehicle and warmer weather, I can only use it to wash my bathtub...
  8. He was just making it sound like a perk that you won't have to change it for a year since he went out of his way to do it's yearly change lol
  9. i cant believe they are paying for an Autotrader ad
  10. I fixed mine by pulling the elastic over itself tightening it, and stapling it to itself. Then just tuck it away. Stayed pretty taut. example below: http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a299/iwashmycar/mustang/PICT0801.jpg
  11. oh yes :fuckyeah: http://www.anderson-germany.com/projekte/images/344.jpg http://www.anderson-germany.com/projekte/images/346.jpg
  12. Put it up on ebay and get 199 bucks lol. I might be missing something but gift cards on there are going for almost right at their worth?! There is an iTunes one ($100) for $106.99!? WTF
  13. They need to do it just so officers have the option to enforce it. Of course it is difficult to enforce, but it's a step!
  14. ^^lol If so, come back in 10 years and we'll see..
  15. vistaprint. you get a bunch for free i think
  16. I regret selling my mustang. First car was just a Corsica.. it can burn lol Granted if it's actually a POS, but sentimental.... cut it loose
  17. Looking good. bummer on the accident. this is the only thing that makes me a little worried for this car's future
  18. My advice is for a range; go to Ohio Valley in Lancaster. Always a lot of great employees, as well as a nice range. I have not been to many, but it was the first range I went to and felt very comfortable.
  19. Its cheaper on CL? clean though http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/2821771256.html
  20. Impressive! Im sure itll be nice to have a shop! Thats a big step!
  21. My parents frequent Hollywood Casino in Cincy. Seem to have a good time everytime. They have gone to Wheeling a couple of times as well, but must like Hollywood better since they go more. Maybe it's closer? I dunno, never been personally.
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