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Everything posted by iwashmycar

  1. My go-to daily is just any Columbian variety.
  2. I swear those hoods are now available at the local Pep Boys. EVERY FUCKING MUSTANG seems to have one lol
  3. I think a cheap one is probably sub $100 I LOVE mine. I just got the 200 dollar one at BB&B last November. I think it makes better coffee than my old regular coffee maker. Makes decent Iced coffee as well, and I can get instant hot water for tea, cappuccino, ect. I just set it to fire up automatically every morning, and turn off an hour after last use, or an hour after it turns on if nobody uses it. You do need to use filtered / spring water in it. I would recommend a Brita pitcher if you do not have another filtered water source. I have not had to clean mine but once (and it did not even say to at the time) edit: it is this one http://www.keurig.com/brewers/platinum-brewing-system
  4. The dude is obviously pretty fucked in the head, so im sure sending cock shots did not seem like much of a big deal lol
  5. yes Mini USB would work. couid at least charge it on the computer for now
  6. I was always a fan of the pigmented waxes. I had good results with the tinted Turtle Wax on my old red, and black mustangs. Its not the best, but for a quick wax job it is nice having it color matched.
  7. When I was in school up in Kent, I would go there for detailing supplies. It is nice when it is close
  8. nasty. I wanted to see the ducting to the filters in the grille. here is the engine dyno
  9. Anyone see any engine shots of that Mustang? Cannot seem to find a single one.
  10. yikes. It is sort of like AIM back in the day. Probably doesnt take any longer either.
  11. We had people (bunch of teenagers) come around my parents neighborhood back when it was newer who did it for a fundraiser... Payment was by the homeowner through donations, or if they did not want to pay, they got addressed anyway. I assume they earned the money back for paint and stencils, then to rest went to whatever the charity was... has been a while
  12. you can even get a pic of the house on there http://franklincountyoh.metacama.com/photo/20110103/FV001366.jpg
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