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Everything posted by iwashmycar

  1. I know a local MINI guy who is a pilot for something like Net Jets (might be them if theyre still here..i know they were talking about moving), and he seems to do decently. Also seems like he can get called in in a moments notice, as he's had to take off from some of our Saturday breakfasts early for work. Ill have to ask him about it tomorrow at our monthly dinner if he's there.
  2. its hard for me to watch that stuff. while I understand the mentality that drives it, I am the complete opposite, and pretty much throw everything away if there isnt a proper place for it to be stored lol
  3. That sucks it posted through. Had that happen to one of my Huntington Accounts. Luckily Huntington is way more customer friendly than PayPal, and pretty much reversed it immediately
  4. great job. worlds better
  5. the problem is they are not at all the right offset for your car. And they look like they should be bigger with that size tire. bad combo
  6. glad we got the daily tire thread out of the way by 3pm! nice
  7. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=87977
  8. What is this Denny Dotson?
  9. there is definately a dick drawn on his windshield..
  10. overall some good layouts! There are a few user friendly tweaks id hit but the overall spaces look pretty sweet Is this over a garage?
  11. Probably never going to completely go away. You could try filling it wtih epoxy and lightly sanding if its more of a gash. Some mention a magic eraser, which basically just sands it lightly. Last method would be to use a heat gun, to soften it and gently try and get the scratch to 'close up' All of these risk making it worse however
  12. good god that is sexy. Im going through major detailing withdrawal with this stupid weather.
  13. sounds like you did alright. nice you wont have to fight them for it lol
  14. I must be blind, but it seems like 10 pictures of the exact same thing....
  15. Definately cool of them. Im sure theyll get repaid eventually but that Jangy fuck needs an asskicking, unless there are some really fucked up circumstances behind what he did, though he obviously sold something he didnt even "own"
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