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Everything posted by iwashmycar

  1. A couple hours ago they said 1.3 million....
  2. As far as rock lights go apparently these things work well. Usually have to use some silicone adhesive since the stuff that comes on them sucks...but otherwise they seem to give a nice even lighting. (disclaimer: I dont have them personally) https://www.amazon.com/LEMONBEST-16-4Feet-Waterproof-Flexible-Lighting/dp/B00KCM8E3Q?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00&tag=vs-auto-convert-amazon-20
  3. Wheels and tires for sure There is an older silver wagon in Clintonville I walk past all the time. Most of the time it has the stockers on it, and looks like any other DD out there. Dirty...driven. Then the guy throws on some BBSs , or they might have just been M3 wheels, but the thing just does a 180 and looks absolutely killer.. Get some X5 wheels
  4. ^^^^probably the most generous and best but I have a Galaxy S5 that sucks at keeping the charger in. It's been 'my toddlers phone' although in a case for a year now. Welcome to try to use and have it for free if they want.
  5. Thanks JR. Worked out perfect. Watching the game on the porch! http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a299/iwashmycar/52BF4571-5C01-4F90-83F2-474F1763B16F_zpsiopc7xtf.jpg
  6. Probably the same as seafoaming vac lines. Probably so much smoke coming out the pipes wouldnt be able to spot it under the hood.
  7. sounds like it fixed itself. no problem.
  8. probably just human trafficking Vietnamese chicks on private jets and with their "charity run" rallies. NBD
  9. My thoughts too. I do have a Ultragauge which is less than $69...codes, gauges, ect. I know when my gas tank is low... my car came with a gauge. i Know where I parked...Im not an idiot. I suppose the map tracking and such could be a useful item if you use the car for business.
  10. gotcha. I thought a friend of mine had some Dunlops but they would just be P-metric and not worth the trouble on that.
  11. Very cool!. So does the yellow one have red calipers?
  12. Are they on a full size or something? Just wasnt sure on the LT. I might have some buddies with regular ones in that size.
  13. Personally my kiddos car seat is on the drivers side...I can usually back in and nudge the passenger side up close to the curb or handicrap spots....then I have all the rooms on the driver side to access the kid. The FJ has suicide rear doors so I need all the space I can get with that one. I guess the whole backing in thing would depend if the curb or open space is on the right where I cant just pull in. Lastly...back up cameras. They are kind of fun. Ill back up our 2015 just to use it....can see the curb easier than out the windshield!
  14. $25 >>>>>>> $150 for porch TV lol I did see that one on CL. Ill send you a PM.
  15. Anyone have one laying around collecting dust? I was chilling on the porch this weekend and the Tournament was on inside. Was thinking how nice a porch TV would be. Pretty much want to just bolt it to the column here. Probably just use an antenna for basic channels. No interest in a computer monitor. http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a299/iwashmycar/45489FE6-E062-4BAD-AC29-C7B7D615F478_zpsrhenkhzh.jpg Let me know if you have one for cheap. Im mainly east side / clintonville so that is preferable. One of those, if it works out sort of things. Thanks Adam
  16. x2. I remember yesterday seeing it in your sig, and was like wtf? 195? Never knew the story in the short time Ive been on here.
  17. I bought one of the super cheapies. It does get condensation. I drilled holes in each end tapped some 1/4-20 bolts so it can air out. For the price, if I am going to take it apart....im going to pitch it and buy another one. Still works flawlessly. A roof mounted bar is BRIGHT...as in, at night you can "see the air"...the haze and humidity. Kind of annoying really. Still awesome in the middle of nowhere. Ive had a hood blackout decal on since before the bar so I cannot comment on hood glare. They are also noisy. I killed a lot of it with door edge molding on two of the fins, but that is just another thing to consider. I put two '2x3 led' cubes behind the grill. Those alone are as bright as an extra set of high beams...$18 on Amazon. http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a299/iwashmycar/5CFA9072-ED06-421C-82C1-3240C625BE0E_zpss8nsntj1.jpg
  18. So did it sell on eBay then? I saw it just ended at 10
  19. Daymn that looks clean!.Great colors too. Nice find.
  20. They do stay on for the most part during movement. If the dog is just sniffing around in one spot for a while they may tun off on her. That was one of the main reasons I got the first one. The "older" one I bought actually has a switch for 30 second or a minute of on time...the 'newer' one does not have that option, but they both work well.
  21. I have two of these on my garage. Have had them for probably 4-5 years now. Still work great. (3) D batteries in each and it is enough light to be bright...plus they look kind of strange and to some punk kid, you never know...kind of looks like a camera. They reliably only come on when dark out, and stay on for roughly 30 seconds. http://www.homedepot.com/p/Mr-Beams-Outdoor-Black-Wireless-Motion-Sensing-LED-Spot-Light-MB360/205299966?cm_mmc=SEM|THD|google|&mid=sW0ryjiIV|dc_mtid_8903o6225187_pcrid_89371456814_pkw__pmt__product_205299966_slid_&gclid=Cj0KEQjw7LS6BRDo2Iz23au25OQBEiQAQa6hwCbqCAyXV10iMFGVPqf9bk3gVlOgpIxhILAbuc0IlvEaAs2p8P8HAQ
  22. Yep I got the email! Pretty stoked for it.
  23. IMO it'd be worth the 4Gs if it were still a Miata looking Miata lol. Not so much now. Heck, that clean with 71K miles might be worth more than 4K (if it werent ruined)
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