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Solo Vette

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Posts posted by Solo Vette

  1. Yes, what does this have to do with this tho! I aint worried about finding ass!


    Yes Rhett, never worry about finding ass. But wait this one is special, she tells your buddy that she really likes you while she is doing him. I have been there before. WTF? Women are fucking nuts! Or are we more nuts for still getting involved with ones like this? Oh well piitb!

  2. and the issue is?


    Again, the real issue? I guess you could send them over to my hot tub....Women get out of hand over here, and well I am sure I can get them back in line!


    Oh as long as they have ID that looks like them, stating they are 18 or older.

  3. Stupid fucking people should not own pets. That is the bottom line there. I don't fault the government. You should know the laws before purchase or plan to live there. I mean the government should be more responsible right not the people, people should never have to be responsible adults in this country. "I didn't know" should be perfectly legitimate defense. SO the government that takes these animals away form owners who clearly feel that moving is not an option so they let the government take their animals, should people in Denver pay taxes to feed these dogs and give them shelter because the owners are ignorant and have no common sense? This is life folks, start getting educated. Think about what you are doing. When I bought a gun, I didn't just go out and buy one and just carry it around. I read the laws and educated myself before purchase. That is common sense.....




    Ben, had you read the article you would have seen that they had a one year moratorium on the law, then decided to go back to the ban and confiscate everyone pit breed. Many people got their dogs while it was ok to do so, then the city flipped back over and fucked over all of those people.


    I'm not a fan of pits myself, but I have to agree with Sam, fuck you Denver.


    +1 Whatever happened to these dumbass politicians working for we the people?


    If someone came knocking on my door, they would be politely escorted off the property, perhaps with a shotgun. :o


    +1 here too!

  4. Don't worry, guys....over a month on Craigslist and not one offer...:eek:


    Apparently my car sucks really badly.:)


    Not in the least. C4=pimp. I loved my C4 more than my C5. No offers, because people have no taste.

  5. Looks delicious.

    Some fried rice, thai peppers, and soy sauce away from perfection.


    You sir have no taste! None, what is the matter with you?


    Have you not heard, Labs and Goldens have more tender meat than a Boxer. Boxers have too much muscle!

  6. My Grandmother runs Heart of Ohio Boxer rescue and she breeds them on a small scale. This is her last liter she is doing and they are from champions. I get pick of the liter. I was leaning towards the flashier ones. I have an English Bulldog at home. Thats him in my avatar. My boxer passed away a couple of years ago and I have only had the Bulldog since then so we are all pretty excited about the new puppy.


    Your Bulldog needs a puppy! I tell you I hate the way I feel now, and the whole mess sucks, but to look back without my dog would have been even more empty. I still say take them all. All you need is a great vac to clean up the hair, and 4 cases of carpet cleaner and you are good to go.

    Enjoy the puppy, however they are like kids, they grow up too fast.


    Oh and your Grandmother has to have a huge heart. Running a rescue is alot of work, and noone ever gets the credit they deserve for doing so!

  7. Oh Paul....well I think they are prettier than me soo idk what that says but thats all I can give you!! SRY ;)


    Well Erica, I don't know about Paul, but I'm in. Worst case scenario a night of drinking and wondering where I will wake up?

  8. Take as many as they have. The only bad thing about multiple dogs is sweeping everyday. I just put my old guy down this week and this post made me think about the puppy selection when I got him. Thanks for the post, and they are good looking pups there, so I don't think you can go wrong. Good luck, and enjoy the chewing!
  9. i could bet that all the model girls have bf's lol


    That makes very little difference to me.


    yea and sicne she wont give up any pics of the other girls there probably hit as Fuck an its going to be a big sasusage fest, so........






    you might be right Paul, but my old ass has nothing else to do on a Saturday night.

  10. Watchout with the Blackberry if you have never had one. You HAVE TO GET THE MESSENGER PACKAGE. The blackberry constantly transmits and receives data, therefore costing money for minutes you never knew you used. I have had the Curve, it was ok. I am on my 10th Blackberry (Storm) Love the product.
  11. Any other pics pf the 500/1?




    What other pictures would you like. I can photoshop it with palm trees, or maybe on the beach? I'm kidding, you just want a shot of the control panel so to speak, or is there something else? Let me know, I will try to post some in the A.M.

  12. lol your welcome now YOU bring ME some cookies lol


    I will at the Jager function, if I can get my walker fixed!


    I am going to stop hijacking Erica's thread, she might break my hip.

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