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Solo Vette

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Posts posted by Solo Vette

  1. http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20090930-716320.html


    Awesome, I wonder how much longer I'll have a job and then have to sit in line at the unemployment office.


    I guess it's a good thing I've already been trying to leave and gotten a decent jump on interviews and whatnot.


    Everyone is freaking out at work. My boss sat us all down b/c we just heard and assured us that the owners of Northern Enterprises (Saturn of Columbus/Nissan North) have plans to buy another company or brand. I don't really know what to think yet, just rolling with the punches.


    The only thing I can say is your boss is probably correct, they will probably buy another line.

    Good Luck!

  2. this is what i was talking about.... for the one that wanted to be a asshat


    I agree on the Pryor play, what you can punch someone? No look at what happened at the Oregon Boise St. game. You can't punch someone.


    Now the only thing I might say in Coleman's defense is this.....The player that was hit was on top of another player from the angle I saw, and yes the whistle hadn't blown yet, so technically from my football experience the ball was still in play. Was it a rough hit, yes, does it deserve the suspension, well the NCAA thought so. Just one of those issues that raises alot of questions.

    The player had not touched the ground at the point of Coleman's contact, the whistles had not blown yet, so the ball was still in play.


    Hey someone just tell Coleman to get up and punch someone on the sidelines next time.

    Oh and I am not an OSU fan, but come on, you cannot call it one way and not the other.

  3. Interior pics






  4. You know guys, there was a point here I probably should have made clear, and yes threads like this still happen. So sorry, you make your comments but yet you still read it, and you still posted. My point....When the kids are in the car, and someone is driving like that in HEAVY traffic, my concern is more about others reactions. Now two people out on a desolate road racing are both aware of the things that can happen. When you drive like this in traffic, and some idiot is texting or on their phone and overreacts it can cause a problem. I made a kitchen rant, and someone thought I was making threats...No I wasn't, just let me return the favor sometime their kids are in their car. This was a rant, that is all.
  5. Only one in here trying to be a hardass is you. If I got on here everytime someone drove like an ass around me I'd be starting threads everyday. By the way, do you drive a Saleen? Just curious.


    No no not being a hardass. I made no malicious threats, nor did I attack someone personally. I made a statement about an experience I had with a persons driving. Guess what? There are more of these on here. Very sorry I offended you.. No I do not drive a Saleen.

  6. Everyone has driven "like an idiot" at some point. Do yourself a favor and forget about the whole "I'll remember who he is" bullshit. Are you going to kick his ass for annoying you? Get the fuck over it and realize that there are a lot of stupid drivers out there.



    Hey stupid fuck get out of my kitchen rant. Are you being an e thug?

    My point to remembering who he is or the vehicle is so that I can make sure I do not find myself on the same road while he is driving in said manner.

    Wow you are a real hardass, you wanna fight by the monkeybars after school? Why would you beat someone up for a lapse in judgement?

    Sorry you missed my point. Yes, even I have driven like an idiot, but not in heavy rush hour traffic. That was my point. BTW this thread is kind of along the lines of the texting while driving threads, an annoyance.

  7. How original is the car? I can see the wheels have been swapped, but what about other components?


    The wheels were just put on there. I am no RX7 expert, so I cannot be 100% sure. I know the car is solid, albeit it needs some work, however alot better than most I have seen around here. As for the rest of the car, it looks to be pretty original, other than small items like the shift boot, and maybe some misc. interior trim. Also aftermarket radio.

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