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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I'm glad to hear you are doing well. Stay safe.
  2. Nice ! What kernel ? HDMI, and FM really don't bother me at all, but 4G absolutely will once I am able to get it. However I know Cyan is working on it, so I can be patient. Supposedly 6.1 will have the 4G radio. Overall its easily the snappiest ROM I've flashed so far. Also while I really liked SenseUI, I like the Launcherpro UI a little better.
  3. Yeah, there are many purely stylistic options you can make with pretty much any android phone. Between, custom launchers, widgets, icons. You should be relatively familiar with all this coming from the Droid . I'm currently running Cyanogen 6, and Launcherpro/Quickdesk on the Evo, and I'm loving it. Plus if you install Apps Organizer, it really helps keep your pages clean.
  4. I assume the Captivate has a MicroSD slot ? If so you could always upgrade to a 16gb card for like 30 bucks or so. I'm holding off on upgrading the Evo's card till the 32gb cards drop a little more in price.
  5. Pssssh ... greenhouse gases reflecting off of weather balloons, during an aurora borealis just above a lake in Alaska, with Yeti's in full view of the spectacle. OMMFG !!! YETIS !!!
  6. I've heard that almost everyone that tries it, dies.
  7. LOL, I agree. Though faith is part of most religion (particularly monotheistic) whether one admits to it or not ("having faith or not having" being a verb). I would also argue free-will is simply just not possible within the confines of a dimension where a being, entity, deity is privy to knowing all that can and will happen. Though that usually gets chickened and egged pretty quick. The story from my point of view is this. God if he exists as he does in the story is an impish brat, who for some reason unknown to all feels compelled to use a being of his making that he supposedly "loves" to one-up an ethereal being (the Devil, Lucifer, The Fallen One), also of his making, to basically have a cosmic case of the "I TOLD YOU SO'S". Hmmm, lets kill everyone Job loves, take away his good fortune, and cover him in boils so I can prove to a being, one that I could snap my fingers and make disappear forever, that one's faith would not waiver ? What makes more sense to you ? A. Totally sensible story about God's love for his devoted and vice versa ? B. Thematic device for preachers.
  8. The difference to me would be in the use of the word enlightenment. To be truly atheist in today's world, is to admit, that the only thing you know for sure is ... that you don't know for sure. Also to have faith demands ones undivided loyalty in the face of *whatever*. The Devil and God (yes it was God responsible) working poor Job over is a perfect example of how the religious prepare the flock to deal with wavering faith. Look at what Job endured ... surely you can at least suffer through Sunday tithe. An atheist is much more likely to change their view in regards to evidence of the contrary. For instance, if Allah were to come down from the heavens and greet me personally, and deliver me 70 18+ virgins, I would be very likely to just throw my hands up in the air and say "yup ... looks like that's solved".
  9. Being agnostic is simply being atheist while practicing a healthy dose of ones own skepticism. Also I would consider myself agnostic but ... I'm just not sure yet.
  10. Would you say the same if a ban on firearms were proposed due to the exorbitant number of handgun murders in the US ? I may agree with killing the murderous folks you speak of, though I disagree with them being denied a fair trial. However I would love to cut through the red-tape appeal bullshit in cases of undeniable guilt, and get to the point, providing the loved ones with speedy retribution, thus preserving their time to begin healing. However I do not believe the death penalty should be legally applicable in cases where circumstantial evidence is the lead convicting argument, and yes, it can be.
  11. I just wanked in support of ... something ... ... important.
  12. I just pooped. Then I gave myself a beer bottle enema. I feel "fresher" somehow ... classier even.
  13. At first when they were just crossing the metal pegs, I was thinking that it was no big deal, and that I'd give it a try for sure. Fast forward just a little further than that ... and no way. LOL.
  14. Cocaine is a helluva drug.
  15. I meant what I wrote. The United States is not unquestioned majority rule, and we are not wholly democratic, though we hold democratic elections. Specific individual rights supersede the majority.
  16. That sucks Bill, sorry to hear it.
  17. Even being in a pissy mood , I have to call you out on one detail. The United States was founded with the idea of protecting individual rights against a tyrannical majority. That is one of 'the', if not 'the' most important aspects of being an American. While democracy is in place to a degree, democracy was only suppose to exist outside of the bill of rights. Especially regarding practice of religion. France, not so much, so passing such a law isn't quite as hypocritical there as it would be here. Keep in mind I am in no way in support of, or even mildly sympathetic to, the dogmatic, and exclusionary nature of organized religion. I will even go so far as to say that the general practice of Islam is likely the worst version of a very familiar religious story, at least in regards to modern day practice(in reference to all of the Big 3 religions springing from the fount of Abraham, yes Christianity is an Arab religion). So the question still persists .... may I eat FRENCH toast again ?
  18. Joe you sound like a knowledgable rider, hats off for trying to help the noobs out. However I do have to disagree about weight not being an issue to beginners. I think within a certain average range thats applicable, but ive seen cases where friends have purchased way too big or way too small, and that makes an already potentially frustrating first day, all the worse. A board that is way too big for a small rider can be very difficult to try and turn, especially when learning, and the inverse can make larger riders very unstable, even more so than usual. Though thats definitely more an issue with the way out of the average size riders. Only reason I bring it up is the two cases where I've seen issues were as follows: Rider 1 6'6" 250ish Lamar 158 wide Rider 2 5'6" 125lbs Arbor 162 Both purchases were made online, and both caused major issues for the riders. Both when stepped to a more generally fitting board performed much better. Those are extreme, but it is possible.
  19. All is well buddy, working, being a dad, keeping busy. Love the new house, and love the ricer Honda, its a great DD.


    Soon my friend ... soon I will have a decent car again.

  20. Height and more importantly weight (and style of riding as Mojoe said above), should be your consideration in length of board. With a larger shoe you may need to step up to a wider board. Also if you are renting they generally use step-in binding/boot systems so its usually "all or nothing".
  21. If you're willing to drop 1k on gear, you will have few issues finding good gear. I personally love Academy, and Illuminati decks.
  22. I owe you a trip to Seven Springs this year, and damn it, we will be going. This I PROMISE ON MY PET TURTLE'S GRAVE.
  23. Check out http://www.sierrasnowboard.com/ , sometimes they have some killer deals on decent gear, but never buy boots you can't try on first. I really work them out too, jump in them, walk in them, sit in them for half an hour while you are looking at other boots. Be wary of pressure points, and heel lift. They are the single most important part of your equipment. Even wheeling and dealing I would expect to pay at least $500 for OK gear. (I think I paid $400 for my last deck alone) $250 deck $100 boots $70 sale bindings $50 sale jacket $50 sale Pants Be selective but always remember there have been few milestones in snowboard tech as of recent. Don't buy into the hype. Medium flex sandwich board, with any quick-release bindings will do for 90% of east-riders. Only if you really plan on specializing in something, or doing specific terrain, do you need to be more judicious. For instance I have an Academy I ride, with T9 bindings, and in Ohio, and surrounding areas I've never had any issues park or piste, but when I go out west I ride longer, stiffer (LOL) Arbor freeride board, with backseat offset, and floaty-er nose.
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