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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I was expecting much worse, but she didn't look terrible. Except her face ... and body. I kid I kid, she's not a total beast.
  2. I'd get out of my car and help some hot looking chick. Dudes, not so much.
  3. I am hoping its getting a PC release. Though I'll probably break and get it for 360/PS3. Fucking 96 on metacritic last I checked.
  4. Got the same vibe, but if she was a blonde haired, blue eyed girl that immigrated from Sweden, would this thread exist ?
  5. I installed a 250GB, the issue wasn't with the drive I installed in the PS3 as it autoformats that drive, my issue was with the drive I was using to backup the OEM drive. It was not formatted correctly. Once that was corrected, the backup and install was cake.
  6. I upgraded my PS3 HD, and it was super easy, backup and all, the only issue I ran into was that the PS3 can only read/write to fat32 and not NTFS, so I had to partition off a chunk of space and format it to fat32. I can't really speak on the stuff you downloaded as I've never dealt with that stuff before, but seeing as how you're backing up everything first, I'm not sure why you would lose everything.
  7. Huh ... I'm chalking this up to "weird for weird's sake."
  8. sol740

    Sore Losers

    LOL. That's some funny shit right there.
  9. Welcome, your cars suck and so do you. Seriously though, sounds like a fun collection.
  10. Shit looks mean. Do want.
  11. Too bad these guys didn't get rid of those worthless little bastards before they can become a bigger drain to society.
  12. sol740

    My new PC build

    Not sure. Though I'm at 3.8ghz with a $30 cooler, in an warm 2nd floor loft with plenty more room with my temps and voltage . I'll likely shoot for 4GHz and be done with OCing the CPU, and see whats doable on the 5850. Like I said, this was meant to be a decent performing "budget" gaming build. I'm putting all saved cash towards the vette I love the i7 series performance, but for $70 the possibility of a quad unlock (with tons of OC potential) was too easy to pull the trigger on.
  13. sol740

    My new PC build

    http://www.frys.com/product/6237960 Sold out now though. But these type of deals come up regularly enough. My friend is loving his, and its a good improvement over his old quad when decoding/encoding. I agree, but more because of power supply tax + heat.
  14. sol740

    My new PC build

    You can get the hexacore and a mobo for a little over $200 right now. My friend just got one for $140 about a month ago. I'm not saying they're the best, by any means, but for the prices they're leaps and bounds over what most users need.
  15. sol740

    My new PC build

    I would agree with that if you're talking about building an absolute beast. On the low, mid, and even upper-mid ranges AMD's offerings are comparable considering the price difference. Hell with my 9800GT and my current setup I'm getting decent framerates in Crysis at high resolutions and high settings. That's a good enough benchmark for me right now(especially considering I haven't received my GPU yet), the game I'm building the system for (Witcher 2) isn't going to tax the setup quite like that.
  16. The music video has been perfected. Minus the music part (and I'm really into electronic music).
  17. sol740


    Touche' , but you did say so I assumed the inverse. In all fairness though, I just expanded what I previously stated, albeit, with a couple more beers in me, and that may have caused a little vomiting from the keyboard.
  18. sol740

    My new PC build

    No minivan Rob I has jokes. Funny thing, I'm not really either, I was wanting to do an i7 build. The more reading about core unlocking I did, the more I thought it could be a fun gamble/experiment, even if I ended up with a dual-core that was plenty OC'able I didn't throw too much down in the first place(though obviously not getting i7 performance). Even my 939 build fell into my lap when I got the 4800+ basically for nothing.
  19. sol740

    My new PC build

    ... I will probably move to beefier cooler if I ever plan to seriously fuck with vcore, right now I'm pretty happy, and I can't wait to get my 5850 installed and run some benchmarks, or just see how many FPS I can get in Crysis 1080p. I'm pretty sure its sol740 ... I'll verify when I get home. Don't you have a neon to be driving ? Or do you still have it ?
  20. The quest was to build a respectable gaming PC, and stay within a reasonable budget. Here's where I am so far. AMD 555BE: $70 Asus M4EVO w/ ACC (sb750) feature for core unlocking: $100 500GB HD: $40 + Reuse old 320GB: FREE-ISH Reuse Antec Case from Socket 939 build 8GB OCZ gold DDR3-1333 picked up local:$140 Coolmax 650W PSU $25 from a friend (sold 500W for same price on CL) 22" Viewsonic LCD 1080P monitor $150 (minus $50 for selling my old monitor) Hyper212 HDT Cooler $20 Now for the part that hurts the most. I just ordered an ATI 5850: $290FS(that one hurt but I sold my 9800GT for $60 pending delivery of new card) I then sold my old CPU+MOBO+RAM combo for $60. So taking into account my used stuff sold, I'm netting out to $640.00. So I had to hope that I could unlock the possibly available cores on the 555BE, and find out if I have a stable triple or quad core for cheap. Installed the OS without making an unnecessary changes to the BIOS yet, and running the CPU as a stock dual. Win7 installs smooth enough and soon I'm in the BIOS setting up the ACC feature. I boot into Win7 fine and all four cores are unlocked ! Now to test stability at stock voltages. I run PRIME95 and after 30 secs get a failure on the blend tests. Not so reassuring. I then run the separate tests, and voila ... cores run unfettered for over an hour, memory fails after seconds. Time to go fuck with timings. I loosen up a hair and reboot. Eureka !!! All four cores, + memory stable at 3.2GH per core, and 1333 on the memory after 5+ hours, zero errors. So now I want to push it just a little. Back into the BIOS to use the OC multiplier. We bump to 19X, and up Vcore by .0125. Passes again, and could probably shoot for more but right now I'm happy with my results so far. 3.8GHZ Quad stable 8GB RAM CPU temps under 55C at 100% load, under 40 Idle $640 ... woot.
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