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Everything posted by sol740

  1. sol740

    Dead deer

    That ain't no cougar ... http://i604.photobucket.com/albums/tt122/Ruggish/croc_dund1.jpg Now this is a cougar ... http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/3invisidicks.jpg
  2. When I had my baby, at first I started coughing, then my dinner-mates started looking concerned, then when he burst out of my chest and took most of heart and interior cavity with him, I was concerned that I would not be able to play the piano ever again. So far my fears are not without foundation.
  3. I don't think she's hideously deformed or anything, I just don't find her shape to be particularly attractive. I also agree if she dropped some pounds I would probably think she is cute.
  5. According to whom ? GSM carriers have much higher 3g throughput rates.
  6. So you're not going to argue with me, by arguing with me(which I really wouldn't classify this as an "argument" but ok)? That's a poor explanation. You said everyone has their "type", which is correct, then you got upset when I spoke of which I did, or did not prefer via humorous jpg? That is a contradiction. If you disagree that's fine. Not a fact. An opinion. Completely changing definition by interpretation of the word "beauty". All human beings judge by looks to a degree. This is not an opinion, but a verified, certifiable fact. This ad was not about how awesome a mother, or friend the model was, it was directly related to sexually enticing apparel. Thank god for the above. Human beings are inherently selfish, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Our entire sociological system is based around one taking care of his own. Capitalism is based on me working to get the things I want, thus being able to provide for my own, and multiply by a society. So if saying "I don't find thick girls attractive" makes me self-centered, than so be it. I don't particularly take offense to the term. Though as Brian said, our conversation has diverted the topic. I am out. PM me if you want to continue the discussion, but I forsee it going in circles.
  7. I'm going to disagree with you. Only because you seem to have a contradiction within that paragraph. Which is completely true because beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I find thin women attractive, I don't find the body type of the woman in this ad attractive because she is not in the range I prefer. Nothing inherently wrong with that, just like there's nothing wrong with the inverse, and I think we agree on that point. However I do not agree on your following. First that depends on what you define "judge" as. Are you specially speaking on what you find pleasing to your eye in relation to sexual partners ? If so, then no, not all women are beautiful since we previously agreed that beauty is entirely subjective. Perhaps one need re-examine what "judging" someone entails. I never condemned the woman, spoke in regards to her personality/intellect, nor stereotyped her in any way, other to bring to light that I don't find this particular shape attractive. So I wouldn't equate that to being judgmental. Also I'm sure you'd agree that every man is not 'beautiful in his own way' when it comes to being physically alluring to the opposite (or same if you swing that way) sex. Since men are frequently typed and sifted (or judged) in such ways as: Handsomeness. Financial Stability. Financial Stability. How Tall are you ? Do you ask me the right questions exactly when I want you to ? Do you get along with but not sleep with my friends ? (at this point sol740 just starts yammering on and on endlessly at some points waving his hands in the air mockingly while seemingly combating some non-existent entity - Editor)
  8. If not wanting to see "thick" girls even close to nude makes me gay, then dress me up in nice clothes and give me thoughtful things to say during womens fashion conversations ... cause I'm flaymeen[sic].
  9. I really dig these cars. Good color combo with the wheels too. I had FN's on my ol' Z32.
  10. Just received my PC 7424xp. Haven't had a chance to use it yet, but just the quality feel/weight of the device shames the other cheapie buffers I've used.
  11. You guys, it says "genuine" ... what more do you need ?
  12. Not really sure why you would have to do standard highway speed on a closed course ... but welcome, and good intro ... Supra98 ?
  13. Sorry, but innocent until proven guilty. The NFL doesn't decide jailtime, so comparing Vick's time served isn't really analogous, to a suspension of employment. Just because the public opinion of someone isn't so high, or because he was in questionable situations doesn't make him guilty. I'm not saying the man is definitely innocent either, but who hasn't been alone with a drunken girl before ? Should he have been smarter being in the position he's in (famous athlete, rich) ? Absolutely, and the NFL punished him accordingly.
  14. Welcome, nice ride.
  15. I didn't know mp3's were so expensive.
  16. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/deathmute.jpg
  17. Noobs don't welcome other noobs so GTFO. On that note ... welcome noob.
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