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Everything posted by sol740

  1. And here is where I go ... BAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!
  2. God damn fucking coupons ... ARARARARARARGGGGGGGGGGGG !!!!
  3. I have got to think of the most fucked up thing someone could randomly see someone else doing, and do that thing. I'm not above having simulated (or is it ?) sex with a oversized stuffed Spongebob Nopants, wearing nothing but a George W mask and a healthy portion of mayonnaise.
  4. I'm too busy on Battlefield BC2 to care now. Should have at least released one map free, $15 for 3 new maps is garbage.
  6. sol740

    Cupcake Camp--

    Srsly I want some fucking delicious cupcakes.
  7. Welcome again. Heres to 10's.
  8. WeLcOmE, cool caRs ... But PleaSe StoP With THe CapitaliZation.
  9. Sorry I see now, its a combo, well I'll take the combo and the ti4600.
  10. sol740

    Black Hat

    I wish, no defcon, no blackhat. I suck.
  11. I sort of feel the same, but then again ... GAAAAAAAWD DAAAAAAAAAAAMN.
  12. I need to get to canada some time ... season starts early up there.
  13. I always liked marauders. Welcome.
  14. I disagree, those issues are a hinder to me so no, it is not a better platform for me in the least, regardless of policy. I would argue Linux is the better platform, but I am plenty aware its not exactly the most user-friendly, so I know why some folks don't like it. Just cause something works well for you/me doesn't mean its the best across the board.
  15. Apple sucks because of their draconian policies/hardware/software lockdowns. Ridiculous patent chasing, and whatnot. Not necessarily cause they have bad service.
  16. sol740

    Starcraft 2 beta

  17. Looks real nice Tyler. Can't wait to see it out.
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